Draining 3000+ private domain traffic in 7 days, just doing these three points


When a new store is opened for activities, it usually only attracts a wave of traffic in the first few days, and no one pays attention to it later. Even activities and discounts cannot arouse users' interest. This is because users have developed immunity to various discounts and promotions, and almost every store is engaging in activities, which is already a common scene.

A tea house that is a cooperative business, mainly deals in tea and tea sets. Facing an unfamiliar market and strong competitive pressure, how to gain a firm foothold? This sounds not an easy task, but the boss not only quickly broke the situation in a short period of time, but also attracted 3000+ private domain traffic within 7 days of the new store opening.

1. Online and offline promotion warm-up

In the pre-opening period, the teahouse mainly distributes leaflets and promotes by shooting short videos. The main purpose of this stage is to spread the brand. In terms of short video layout, the tea house chose to build a matrix on the same platform, and applied for multiple label accounts such as tea encyclopedia, tea drinking etiquette, tea culture, etc., to reach target customers with different preferences. And the video is also arranged on different short video platforms to increase the exposure of the video as much as possible.

2. Build a high-quality user community

For new stores, many merchants attract traffic through activities. However, there are too many merchants doing activities, and users have already developed immunity to various new store openings and discount promotions. Therefore, store opening activities alone cannot bring about continuous fission in the future. The tea house has set a clear goal at this stage: to build popularity and accumulate traffic to the private domain.

When users place an order in the store, they only need to enter the group to get a new product sample and receive coupons in the group. In daily operations, the group will also share tea art culture, tea making skills, tea industry encyclopedia knowledge, etc. In this way, the tea house has retained a high-quality user base, which has brought more repurchases and conversions for the follow-up.

3. Lock customer fission in one step

If you only rely on a variety of activities to attract users, the brand will easily disappear after the event, and the previous activities will be in vain. Therefore, it is necessary to bind a group of users who continue to repurchase, and use them to carry out private domain fission, so that the brand can expand its popularity in social communication. In this regard, the tea house first adopts the stored value and membership system to lock in a group of customers, and then while deepening user stickiness, it designs a path for old users to fission into new users, so that users can continue to come to the store and bring friends to the store, thereby greatly reducing the number of customers. Customer acquisition costs.

The success of the tea house is due to the promotion of the public domain and the fine operation of the private domain. Among them, whether it is short video matrix layout, high-quality community building, or fission of customer locks, it can be easily realized through the business platform, which makes tea Zhuang's marketing power has been greatly improved, and it also allows users to generate trust in long-term associations, which is conducive to enhancing the brand's market competitiveness.

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