How to do soft text promotion? What method can be used to improve the ranking of soft articles?


For start-ups with limited funds, low-cost and high-efficiency advertorial promotion is the most suitable marketing method. The marketing effect brought by a potential soft article is sometimes far better than that of hard-planted advertisements that cost a lot of money, so for the production of soft articles and press releases, everyone should maximize their effects. Kuaipaibao provides detailed answers to the two problems encountered in the promotion of soft articles:

What are the skills of soft text promotion?

Tip 1: Keyword Setting

This keyword can be understood as a word that users often use when searching for content on websites, platforms, etc. These words can be regarded as keywords when creating soft texts. When users search for a certain keyword, corporate articles can be better displayed in the search results and obtain higher exposure. and natural traffic.

There are also skills in how to set keywords. For articles of 500-8000 words, it is recommended to add 3-4 keywords, and it is not recommended to add more keywords. If you want to get a good ranking, you need to optimize keywords at the right time.

Tip 2: Select distribution channels

When it comes to channel screening, we must first analyze which media are suitable for our soft articles. Don’t just focus on high-weight and well-collected articles, but choose the media that suits you to publish, and put them on multiple channels at the same time. The effect will be better.

Skill 3: Improve the ranking of soft articles

Optimize the ranking of the advertorial based on the keywords added in the article. After optimization, the advertorial can obtain better search results when users search for related words, which is positive for obtaining traffic, spreading the brand, and selling products.

If the ranking of our soft articles on search engines is not ideal, then we can use tools to improve the ranking of our articles and get greater exposure on search engines. Promote to the homepage or a higher position, and submit tasks on the platform to optimize the ranking of the soft articles we want to improve. You can see the effect pictures before and after optimization:

Before optimization:


Here are the tools we need to use:

  1. First of all, we can search for "Quaipaibao ranking optimization tool" on the search engine, find the consulting customer service to understand the usage instructions, or directly log in as a member and follow the steps.

Step 2: After entering the system background, follow the operation diagram to add it. For example, if I want to rank the soft article for the word "video watermark removal", then we can submit the keywords and soft article title for optimization according to the figure below. After waiting for a few days, you can see the optimization effect of the soft article and get the ranking of the soft article.

The promotion of a well-ranked soft article is inseparable from the details, and the ranking of the soft article has a lot to do with the traffic. The above is the editor of Kuaipaibao to share with you what skills are there in the promotion of soft articles? How to improve the ranking of soft articles? If you want to know more dry goods, you are welcome to pay attention~

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