A collection of 8 major sideline websites, if there are still missing projects, come here! 0 cost monthly income 4000+!


Many people hope to use their spare time to do some side jobs, in addition to exercising their abilities , they can also earn a little pocket money .

In the Internet age, there are many forms of online side jobs . In fact, everyone can choose what type of side jobs to do according to their hobbies or specialties .

Brother Zhun compiled a collection of super complete sideline websites that are worth recommending, sharing and collecting. According to the categories, they are divided into graphic, short video, game, writing, question and answer, design, sound, e-commerce , a total of 8 a large category .

Next, let's take a look at the correct way to open them.

  1. Reliable online earning sideline

Money is hard to earn, and you will definitely encounter a lot of difficulties in the early stages of starting a side job. If you give up and have nothing, you will have hope if you persevere.

We have to choose low-cost sidelines from the beginning , and we can choose according to our hobbies or specialties. There is always one of the following 8 types of sideline jobs that is right for you :

  1. Short video

You can make money by advertising, rewarding, and bringing goods.

In the current hot market environment of the short video industry, the demand for video materials has also greatly increased. As long as you can shoot and edit, you can do some part-time jobs or deliver some commercial manuscripts as required.

(1) Watermelon Video (2) Douyin (3) Kuaishou (4) Volcano

(5) Station B (6) Baijiahao (7) Netease We Media (8) Sohu We Media

(9) Big Fish (10) YouTube (11) Miaopai

You can also try this one with good looks, sound value, and talent. It is indeed the current trend. However, you must do what you can, and those who are not suitable for making short videos should not force it.

  1. Graphics and texts

For those who have better writing skills and want to earn some living expenses, you can try it.

You can build one or two main platforms first, and then distribute the content synchronously. Although the income from your own articles is very small, it is also a learning process. Persisting accumulation, you may also receive advertising cooperation when you reach a certain number of users.

(1) Official account (2) Zhihu (3) Xiaohongshu

(4) Toutiao (5) Brief Book (6) Douban

(7) Baijia (8) Big Fish (9) Penguin

(10) Yidian Information (11) Netease We Media (12) Sohu We Media

It is not difficult to find that the graphic form known as "classical self-media" is still competitive.

Its position in the field of knowledge payment is still irreplaceable. In addition, under the impact of the e-commerce model, the seamless placement of advertisements in articles to stimulate consumption will also bring a considerable amount of income.

  1. Questions and Answers

To put it simply, answer other people's questions, the platform will give subsidies, and you will get benefits.

(1) Baidu know partner (2) Wukong Q&A

(3) Zhihu Answers (4) Knowing what to do

Earning money by answering questions refers to earning income based on the quality and content of your answers. The unit price is about 3-5 yuan. .

Wukong Q&A needs to open the Q&A revenue to earn money. You can earn a few dollars for a question. Sesame Q&A is similar to Baidu Zhizhi; Zhihu is just watching appreciation.

Answering questions is not difficult, just sharing experience, answering practical questions is enough, simple answer, it is not difficult to get food money for a day, why not do it .

  1. Games

Now even "playing games without doing business" can be developed into a part-time job. Game masters should not miss this part-time job.

(1) Huya Live (2) Douyu Live

Huya and Douyu live broadcasts are almost the same type. They are both watching you play games, and the income depends on your own skills.

  1. Writing class

Writing submissions are suitable for students who have a certain love and talent for writing.

For the writing class, for novices, they may not earn much in the early stage, and they have more experience. Don't write blindly in the early stage, you can learn from the experience of your predecessors first.

Contribution channel:

Self- media: Official account, Douban, Toutiao

Paper Media: Readers, Yilin, Youth Digest

(1) Contributions to major public accounts: Contribution World, Contribution Planet (all types are accepted)... Search for contributions on WeChat, there are a lot of such public accounts

(2) Douban manuscript fee bank : Search Douban manuscript fee bank or part-time writers. There are many part-time writing groups on this official account, and there are quite a lot of lists.

(3) Manuscript : Manuscript platform is the first new media original content trading platform in China; it provides original content solutions for content demanders. Here you can choose the field you are good at to create and contribute. The manuscript fee is 200-500 yuan, which is reliable and suitable for people with some writing skills to try.

(4) Yigao : Yigao platform is a place for writers and media to build original manuscript transactions. Different from manuscripts, Yigao requires more manuscripts, so the pass rate will be correspondingly higher, and the price ranges from 100-600.

(5) China Bounty Writer.com : a platform for soliciting papers for Internet writing assignments. It is relatively easy and reliable to pass the review, and the price ranges from 20-3000.

(6) China Writer's Home : It is an old-fashioned and well-known platform, where you can find letters of invitation from many magazines and media across the country. Novices can find the writing experience and submission experience left by editors on the website, which is more suitable for newcomers to learn and practice.

  1. E-commerce

Buy and sell second-hand goods to make money, or resell goods to make money.

(1) Salted fish (2) Go around

As an e-commerce business, you can earn the price difference by relying on the information difference.

  1. Design class

For those who have aesthetic and design abilities but have nowhere to display their talents , of course you have a place to use.

Designers have always been a part-time job, and you can make money by uploading your own designed pictures (logo, poster, banner, etc.) to the following websites.

(1) Nitu.com (2) Qianku.com (3) Find Elements (4) Shepi.com

(5) Qiantu.com (6) Huitu.com (7) Baotu.com (8) Visual China

(9) Dongfang IC (10) China Gallery (11) Tuchong.com (12) Kaisanyunjiang.com

(13) Xiaomi Theme Store (14) Micro-expression open platform

If you are a designer or a drawing enthusiast, don't miss it. After uploading the work, users who need it will pay to download it.

This point is long-term accumulation. When your works accumulate to a certain amount, you can make money later.

The WeChat emoticons we usually use can also make money.

Emoji packs are indispensable for WeChat chatting. As long as your emoji packs are popular, it will really make money.

The emoticon pack has the function of appreciation. An emoticon pack has been appreciated by more than 6,000 people. According to the appreciation of 1 yuan per person, there is also an income of more than 6,000.

This also requires long-term accumulation. The more emoticons you make later, the more you will earn.

If you are interested, go to the WeChat emoticon open platform and register an account to start .

  1. Sound class

Make money with your voice, such as dubbing, radio anchor, audio novel. As long as you have a more distinctive voice, you can do it.

In fact, features are just your advantages. Generally speaking, you only need to be able to speak fluent standard Mandarin, and the threshold is very low.

The current dubbing platforms are:

(1) Himalaya FM (2) Dubbing show (3) Dubbing circle (4) Lychee FM

(5) Dragonfly FM (6) Penguin FM (7) Lazy Listening Book (8) China Dubbing Network

(9) Toutiao audio (10) Dubbing hobby group (11) Netease cloud music platform

On this , you can see various dubbing tasks, and earn royalties by dubbing videos, articles, novels, and dubbing on some apps.

All you have to do is to read the manuscript and dub it. You need Mandarin standard, and you can read the manuscript given to you by the other party. The number of words will not be many, only a few hundred words per article.

The price of a recording is between 5-10 yuan, and it takes about ten minutes to make an order after you are proficient. There are many platforms for making money from this kind of recording, so you don’t have to worry about not getting orders.

  1. Matters needing attention in sideline business

  2. Make high-quality content and improve ability

Based on the principle of being responsible for the content you produce, you must make high-quality content rather than completing sideline tasks. Learn to accumulate self- media experience, and make adjustments and changes in time to improve personal abilities.

In other words, in the simplest terms, the higher the personal ability, the more rewards you will get for doing side jobs.

  1. Copyright awareness, self- protection

It is inevitable that the process of content output will occur in the sideline business , and we must pay attention to the protection of intellectual property rights.

If you apply for authorization to reprint, you should obtain consent and indicate the source. If there is a change in property rights transaction, you should retain evidence to avoid unnecessary copyright disputes.

  1. Take the regular platform and beware of being cheated

There are endless reports on the Internet about being cheated on sideline projects , and people will still be cheated on commonplace questions, just like when we were in school, the teachers always said that some people would make mistakes in the exams they talked about.

The advertisements that pop up on the streets and alleys and on the web are not credible, so you must go to the regular platform, whether it is sideline delivery or order submission.


The Internet industry, especially self- media, is one of the most suitable industries for sideline business.

Low barriers to entry, quick hands-on, easy, convenient and efficient work are synonymous with self-media sideline business . You can make a lot of money by just moving your little head and typing on the keyboard without leaving home and working from 9 to 5.

There are tens of thousands of online earning projects , but if you really want to do a good job in sideline business and earn money, you must improve your skills, otherwise, more recommendations will be empty talk .

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