Unwilling to seize the Douyin outlet and make a fortune? 5 tips for beginners!


Tip 1: Douyin must keep an account

Many friends must have encountered the problem of video "0" playback, or the video can't be put into pods without any problem .

The answer to this question is: account problem, no account was raised in the early stage, and the playback of works has been maintained at 30-100 for a long time. We call this kind of account a zombie account, and we must pay great attention when raising an account in the early stage.

Let me share with you the preparations for raising a number in the early stage. It is actually very simple:

  1. Do not switch devices frequently after account login.

  2. Brush the homepage recommendation and the same city recommendation for no less than 2 hours every day to maintain the account activity.

  3. Watch live broadcasts, watch videos, like, repost, and comment more.

  4. Do not change your personal signature or Douyin account.

  5. Follow a few accounts you like every day.

The operation is actually very simple. To sum up, it is "imitation of normal people to brush Douyin", and the cycle is about 2-3 days .

After raising the account, remember that when you send the first video, it is best to shoot it directly with the "plus sign" in Douyin, add a little subtitle, and post it with a title .

If the account can play about 500 works for 3 consecutive works, it means that the account is fine, and the edited video can be released normally.

Tip 2 : Learn to rub hot spots

To do Douyin, you must learn to rub the hot spots. The hot spots are good, and it will help you become popular in minutes.

So how do you get hot spots? What hotspots can you grab? There are four main methods here:

① Event hotspots

The form of rubbing hot spots through events generally exists in the self-media. When something happens, it is immediately followed by everyone. The number of likes and comments is very high, and there are many rubbish.

For example, after the time of "A Zheng Moushuang D pregnancy Q raising " came out, many people posted videos and articles saying, "Why does our country not allow D pregnancy incidents?"

Another example: After the time of " A Luo Mouzhi Mouxiang " came out, beauty bloggers liked to rub the "dark circles" stalk, and even a certain Huang Mouzi and Tao Tao said that his own dark circles were born during the live broadcast. , It's not that those who stay up late are all on the hot search.

② Character hotspots

In addition to following the hot events, people can rub the hot spots all the time. Of course, they usually choose famous celebrities, business leaders, and Internet celebrities .

Tip 3: 6 major weight classifications of Douyin accounts

Douyin accounts have the right to be reclassified, and it will be very helpful for operating Douyin to know which level your account is currently in.

① Zombie number

Accounts with newly released works below 200 views for a week are regarded as zombie accounts, which are almost equivalent to invalid accounts. It is recommended to re-register the Douyin account.

How powerful is Douyin's current limit on zombie accounts? Even if your friends follow each other on Douyin, the system will not recommend them, which is equivalent to the fact that no one else can see them if you send them to your Moments.

② low weight number

If the playback volume of newly released works hovers around 200-500 for 7 days, it is a low weight number.

The videos of this type of account will only be recommended to the low-level traffic pool . If there is no breakthrough for half a month to a month, it will be downgraded to a zombie account.

③ Normal account

If your video playback volume is in the range of 500-1000, it belongs to a normal Douyin account.

Most of the user accounts in Douyin are at this level, indicating that you have neither violated the rules, but the quality of the content is not very high.

If you want to increase the number of views, you need to work harder on the video content.

④ Account to be recommended

If the video playback volume continues to be 1000-3000, it is an account to be recommended.

The weight of the account to be recommended is still relatively high. Douyin will put you in a traffic pool waiting to be recommended. If you continue to publish relatively high-quality works in the future, or the works are vertical enough to be seen by Douyin, he It will directly recommend you to a larger traffic pool, such as 10,000 to 50,000. At this time, the video may become a small hit overnight.

⑤ Waiting for popular accounts

Accounts with a continuous video playback volume of more than 10,000 are considered to be popular accounts.

At this time, it is necessary to participate more in the platform's latest topical activities, challenges, and even the latest music, the latest talent co-productions, etc. In short, it is necessary to combine more hot content to increase the chance of becoming a big hit.

⑥ Big V account

At present, the most weighted group of Douyin is these big V accounts. Each big V account will have a Douyin editor who is connected to it. Any challenges and activities released by the platform will take the initiative to notify them or invite them. Participate in some interactions on the platform.

At this level, the platform and the big V have reached a stage of mutual achievement. The platform allows its users to obtain more high-quality content by recommending more fans for the big V. Big V attracts more platform traffic and precise users through its own high-quality content.

① The completion rate is greater than 30%

When your completion rate is less than 30%, there is a problem: the beginning is not attractive enough or the content structure is wrong .

② Like rate (likes/plays) greater than 3%

When the like rate is less than 3%, there is a problem: the content is not attractive enough .

③ Comment rate is greater than 0.4%

When the comment rate is less than 0.4%, there is a problem: the content lacks resonance and slots .

④ The forwarding rate is greater than 0.3%

When the point forwarding rate is less than 0.3%, there is a problem: the content lacks value or novelty .

⑤ Fan-like ratio (number of followers/number of likes) is less than 1:6

When the proportion of fans is greater than 1:6, there is a problem: the whole account has no distinctive features and lacks the motivation to pay attention .

Tip 5 : DOU+ delivery skills

Many people say that after they vote for DOU+, there is no effect, and the playback volume is still not up. In addition to the video quality reasons, there may also be a wrong delivery method.

Brother Zhun will share a good DOU+ placement strategy - multiple placements at a small cost , and it has been tried and tested.

Each video has a DOU++ budget of 300, 100 votes per hour, and a total of three rounds.

When the data declines, I vote 100, and the small cost investment is time-tested.

Secondly, the choice of the time point for DOU+ launch is also critical.

The general practice is to start investing in DOU+ at the beginning of the release of the video. If you see that the video is showing signs of explosion, about an hour after the video is released, use DOU+ to boost it, so that the probability of the video explosion is higher.

Many videos that originally had only 100,000 views can grow to 10 million views through DOU+ boosting.

Note : Once you miss the golden period of video burning, no matter how much you burn DOU+, it will not help.

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