32,000 followers in 3 days! How to find low-popular videos to help you become popular!


With the rise of short video platforms, Douyin and other short video platforms have undoubtedly become the main places for users to gather when they are bored.

Douyin is on the rise and it is a good opportunity to obtain social dividends. If you want to make Douyin quickly, we must know the seven magic weapons of Douyin .

1. Douyin Hot List

You don’t need to look at other functions in the Douyin Hot List, but there is one function that must be paid attention to.

Low-popular explosions mean that you can sell popular products with few fans.

This function will count the very low number of fans on the platform, but suddenly there is a popular video in the video. This function lists all such videos on the platform into a popular list.

These videos are very worthwhile for beginners to learn from, why?

Because it is also a low fan, this video can be reported not by the weight of the account and the original old fans, but by virtue of its super powerful content, it has become a hit.

Then it shows that its video topic is really good, and the audience will really like it, so this kind of video is very worthy of our reference.

Where can I find this feature?

First find the creator service center - open all categories, click on creative inspiration - select creative hotspots, pull down - find popular models in popular videos - click to view more and you will come out of this interface.

Select the time for nearly seven days, and then select the vertical field you are in. This step can be saved and operated according to the comparison, so that you can quickly get all the low-powder explosion videos on the same track as you in the past seven days.

Next, you just need to follow these videos to change and imitate, and you will definitely be able to do it.

2. Grey dolphin data

All accounts can be seen here, whether it is a live broadcast room or a short video, the sales data can be clearly seen.

So what is the use for us to know the sales data of other people's accounts?

Brother Zhun told everyone that this is very useful, because only by benchmarking others and knowing how their accounts are monetized and how their monetization capabilities are, can we find the direction of our own development and better benchmark them.

This is very important for us to operate an account, and the most important thing is that it is free.

Three, shaking

Shake is basically a tool we use the most, and it can easily help us find many benchmarking accounts in the same field.

And all the data of the account, the amount of playback, the amount of likes, the interaction data, the increase of fans, etc. are clear at a glance.

And there are many other useful tools here, such as teleprompter, copywriting extraction, watermark removal, image to text and so on.

4. Huge Arithmetic

As long as you enter a keyword on this, you can see the relevant hot words on Douyin.

For example, when we search for short videos, we can see what other words related to short videos on Douyin have also attracted widespread attention.

These words are all hotspot directions that can be deployed, so no matter what industry you are in, you can find the hotspot directions you want to lay out in the future here.

5. Massive creativity

In fact, when we do works on Douyin, we will inevitably encounter times when we don’t know what kind of works we want to do, and we have no inspiration or ideas .

Then a huge amount of creativity comes in handy at this time. If you search for relevant keywords in your own industry, you will be able to see many similar videos, see a massive material library, and instantly open up your creative ideas .

So with the help of this thing , you don't have to worry about the lack of direction in your future video creation.

6. Template library starting with gold

Strictly speaking, it is not a ready-made tool and can be used directly .

As a novice creator, if you want to do Douyin, you must be conscious and build your own golden beginning template library .

Once this template library is established, when creating a video, you can call the golden beginning from it at any time .

What is the beginning of gold?

In fact, it is the first 3-5 seconds of the video. The first two or three sentences are very, very important. This has been tested .

At the start-up stage of the new account, there is no need to spend a lot of time studying the entire video , as long as you thoroughly study your golden beginning, then there is basically no problem in realizing the start-up account .

How do we find this template that starts with gold?

In fact, it is very simple. Douyin is an open platform. All videos with more than 10,000 likes are worth collecting at the beginning and putting them in our template library.

7. How does Douyin move?

Douyin transportation also has two meanings.

  1. Content transfer , from other short video platforms to Douyin

For example: Weishi, Watermelon Video, Kuaishou, Little Volcano, Miaopai, Xiaojiaxiu, Huopai, Meipai... Transportation requires certain tools, such as removing watermarks to parse URLs.

The method is to open the video to be transported on a platform such as Watermelon Video, click Share, then click "Copy Link", put the copied URL into the watermark analysis URL, and click Download to get the video without watermark.

If you want to modify it further, you can use the format factory to modify the parameters of the video, so that it becomes an "original video".

2. Pattern handling

See which videos on Douyin are trending and study it. Then the overall handling, handling mode, handling content, handling business model.

For example: Modern Brothers sings; Fan Deng talks about books; Du Zijian talks about emotional intelligence and so on.

Regarding the method of making a Douyin account, Brother Zhun shared seven magic weapons . Each method needs to be worked out and spent a little time, so everyone should explore more according to their own schedule and habits .

Brother Zhun still said that, there are many ways to make money, and the operability rate is 100% . It depends on how much you think about making money. There will be no pie in the sky , and you must pay attention to anything to gain!

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