How can ordinary people do the B-end business of Little Sweet Potato without spending a penny? These 6 tips will help you get it done!


Recently, a friend told me that I was tired of studying Douyin video accounts every day, and I wanted to know some ways to play Little Sweet Potato.

It happened that Brother Zhun was also researching Little Sweet Potatoes recently, and found that while everyone shouted Little Sweet Potatoes every day and couldn’t get traffic, a large number of merchants were secretly draining traffic from Little Sweet Potatoes to private domains, converting them into agents to monetize.

So today I would like to share with you how smart people do not spend a penny, engage in more controlled and strict little sweet potatoes to do B-end business, and get accurate agent traffic.

This content is only suitable for two types of people, one is a businessman who has a product of his own and wants to recruit an agent or join; the other is a partner who is making little sweet potatoes and doesn't know how to attract traffic.

After researching hundreds of excellent drainage accounts, we found that they have 3 commonalities :

1. Excellent drainage accounts never sway to advertise for investment promotion. On the contrary, they frantically export dry goods, disguise themselves as dry goods numbers to contribute value to the platform, and then get the push flow, pay first and then return.

2. Persistence , according to the observation, excellent drainage accounts are fixed 2-7 times a week, and at least continue to post for 1-3 months. There is a fixed amount of consultation in the comment area. If you insist on output, you will definitely get traffic.

Just pay attention to writing, no messy operations such as throwing french fries and reporting, and no need to spend a penny.

3. Ingeniously guide to the private domain . The Xiaohongshu platform strictly controls the notes of the words such as Korean investment, agency, and franchise.

Excellent drainage accounts have 6 drainage techniques, which can bypass system detection and quietly import consultants into private domains. The following will explain in detail.

In short, if you are a factory and need to recruit agents for distribution, if you are a brand agent and need a lower-level agent to scan the goods, if you are an offline franchise brand, you need to invest in opening a store, or even in Yiwu, you need more partners to expand the scale. The 6 drainage techniques below will get the result, as long as you do it, it will be effective.

First of all, we need to solve the problem of what content to post on the account, and dig more than 20 excellent recruitment agency accounts. Zhunge summarized 6 types of notes with accurate drainage and good data. Here is a reminder that direct investment promotion advertisements will basically be limited. flow.

Content 1. Good things to share

Introduce product styles and selling points, highlight price advantages, and demonstrate brand strength.

One is in the form of pictures, attracting clicks with high-value pictures, and sharing the production process, raw materials, origin, usage, market demand, and experience of the product.

Content 2. Entrepreneurship dry goods

Selling goods online mainly shares dry goods such as delivery channels, customer maintenance skills, wholesale premiums, online store operation skills, delivery logistics, and delivery issues.

Opening a physical store mainly shares dry goods such as physical store location, store decoration, cost budget, product pricing, and attracting customers.

Content 3. Post sales and revenue

First show the successful cases of franchisees and agents, highlighting the project's low entrepreneurial threshold, high sales volume and high income, such as the daily turnover of 60,000 with a baby, and the successful entrepreneurship of a 23-year-old naked man.

Content 4. Recruiting agent soft paper

The title does not directly write to recruit agents, but adds keywords such as source of goods, wholesale entrepreneurship, teaching and sideline business, etc., implying that you have a channel to get goods and can join the agent.

Content 5. Training scenarios and positive feedback

Mainly send offline training, customer praise screenshots and other content to gain trust.

Highlight the busy business, many agents, good project prospects, and clarify the content issues.

Now let’s focus on 6 security methods on how to divert traffic to the private domain:

Method 1. Store cover image drainage

In the comment area, guide the intended customers to enter the store on the homepage of the account, and embed the personal number in the banner picture on the cover of the store.

Method 2. Drainage from the check-in area on the homepage

Use the homepage instant function to publish a punch-in video, and five videos are connected into one sentence.

How does it work?

We can open the home page of the Little Sweet Potato account - click the yellow circle plus sign on your avatar to enter the home page - click the punch card - select the custom punch card theme - post the picture of the single text you want to display - click the post and it will be generated instantly A single circle, you can make as many as you need to form a guide.

Method 3. Favorites Drainage

Display it in the punch-in area of ​​the account homepage, find me to see the words Favorites, and guide users to click on the favorites column to save only one note published in a small account.

The picture of the note is placed in a screenshot of the personal number, and the content of the note is written to guide customers to add words by themselves.

Method 4. Put your personal number in the punch-in area

Use the homepage instant function to place punch-in videos, find me to add a certain number in the video cover format, and the comment area can also guide you to view the homepage to add.

Method 5. Guide in the comment area

In the comment area, use homophonic words and emoticons to guide you to read private messages, and send personal numbers to private messages.

Method 6. Introduction to put personal number

The profile on the homepage of the account is to note the personal number, and add the number above the profile by hinting at the top of the note.

These six methods are really very practical, and you can try them out.

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