Support enterprises to maintain orders and expand the market


Foreign trade is one of the "troikas" driving economic growth and plays an important role in stabilizing employment and growth. Recently, the Ministry of Commerce issued the "Several Policies and Measures to Support the Stable Development of Foreign Trade". What measures have various localities and departments taken to stabilize foreign trade? How to boost the confidence of foreign trade market players? This newspaper will launch a series of reports on "Strengthening and Stabilizing Foreign Trade" from now on.

Recently, the Ministry of Commerce issued the "Several Policies and Measures to Support the Stable Development of Foreign Trade", making arrangements from the aspects of enhancing foreign trade contract performance capabilities, further developing international markets, strengthening guarantee capabilities, and promoting unimpeded trade to strengthen foreign trade stability. In fact, since the beginning of this year, various localities and departments have introduced many measures to help foreign trade enterprises maintain orders and expand the market. What are the innovations of the measures in various places, how are the policies implemented, and what are the effects? The reporter conducted an interview.

A series of policies in full force

Since the beginning of this year, Guangdong, the country's largest foreign trade province, has withstood the pressure under the impact of the epidemic and sluggish overseas demand. A series of powerful foreign trade stabilization policies and measures have been implemented, which have stabilized the foreign trade market. From January to August, Guangdong's foreign trade import and export reached 5.27 trillion yuan, an increase of 0.6%, of which exports were 3.34 trillion yuan, an increase of 4.9%.

The resilience of Guangdong's foreign trade development is inseparable from the "Top Ten High-quality Development of Trade" projects, including the digital trade project, the "Guangdong Trade Global" brand project, the customs clearance facilitation reform project, and the new trade format project, which have been continuously implemented since last year. "Project", and launched a large number of practical and hard tricks in smoothing trade channels and tapping the growth potential of foreign trade. For example, it is proposed to hold more than 100 online and offline economic and trade activities of "Guangdong Trade Global" and "Guangdong Trade National" each year for overseas and domestic, respectively, attracting more than 10,000 enterprises to participate, and helping enterprises to develop domestic and international markets.

"We will make a solid breakthrough in the 'ten major projects' of high-quality trade development, and promote Guangdong to become an international trade center with a high degree of global factor agglomeration, a strong resource allocation effect, and a leading force in global trade." Zhang Jinsong, director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce, said. .

Machines roared in the production workshop, more than 10 production lines were running at full capacity, and workers worked overtime to make a batch of orders for gasoline engine products sold overseas. This is what the reporter saw during an interview with Shenchi Electromechanical Co., Ltd. located in Beibei District, Chongqing recently. "Since this year, with the support of a series of government policies, the company has actively explored overseas markets. In the first half of the year, the company achieved international market revenue of 915 million yuan, an increase of 25.02%." said Huang Yong, vice president of Shenchi Electromechanical.

Xu Xincheng, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce, told reporters that Chongqing has set up a special class for foreign trade stabilization, and established a contact and visit system for 100 key foreign trade enterprises and a tracking service mechanism for 400 key foreign trade enterprises. In accordance with the principle of "policy, one problem, one plan", the coordination and dispatch of labor, electricity, gas and logistics and transportation guarantees for foreign trade enterprises in key fields such as automobiles have been strengthened, which has effectively boosted the confidence of enterprises.

Zhou Xiaoyang, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Commerce, said that Jiangsu has successively introduced policies and measures such as "14 measures to stabilize foreign trade across cycles", "16 measures to accelerate the development of new forms of foreign trade and new models", and "12 measures to promote foreign trade stability and quality improvement". Live in the basic foreign trade. In the next step, the Jiangsu commerce department will also guide enterprises to use preferential policies with relevant departments, implement high-quality free trade agreements such as RCEP, expand trade exchanges with member states, hold multiple online matchmaking meetings, and organize participation in 50 overseas international exhibition projects. Support enterprises to obtain more orders in various ways such as "exhibition on behalf of".

New models continue to expand

Corondo Food Ingredients Co., Ltd. is an import and export enterprise of food additives with an annual output of over 260,000 tons. Nearly 15% of orders come from overseas exhibitions every year. A few days ago, the Indonesia Jakarta International Food Ingredients Exhibition opened. Affected by the COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic, companies were unable to attend the event on site, and business negotiations were hindered. When the company was at a loss, the Lianyungang business department sent a policy of "timely rain".

Dong Haotian, manager of the company's foreign trade department, told reporters that the commercial department sent more than 80 products to foreign countries in advance through the "exhibition on behalf of the company", so as to realize the company's "offline product display + online real-time negotiation" to participate in overseas exhibitions, only for three days. The company has received more than 40 customers and facilitated the order of 500,000 US dollars.

"For companies that are unable to participate in overseas exhibitions due to the epidemic, we have launched the 'exhibition on behalf of the company' policy, and will also support 50% of the booth fee; in terms of export credit insurance, government departments have provided 6 million yuan in support funds." Foreign Trade Office of Lianyungang Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Jiangsu Li Lei said that since the beginning of this year, the municipal commerce department, together with relevant departments such as customs, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China Credit Insurance and other relevant departments and financial institutions, has increased support for enterprises in developing international markets, export credit insurance and credit, and has issued a total of credit loans. over 100 million yuan.

New formats such as cross-border e-commerce have also become an important force in stabilizing foreign trade. This year, Chongqing successfully held a cross-border e-commerce fair, actively promoted the pilot of the cross-border e-commerce "bonded import + retail packaging" business, and promoted the "cross-border e-commerce + industrial belt" model, so as to stabilize orders and expand markets for foreign trade enterprises. A new solution is provided. In the first eight months of this year, Chongqing's cross-border e-commerce transaction volume reached 29.19 billion yuan, an increase of 50%.

"In the context of the normalization of the global epidemic, cross-border e-commerce, as a new form of trade, breaks through the limitations of time and space, unblocks the channels for enterprises to enter the international market, reduces transaction costs, improves transaction efficiency, and injects new momentum into foreign trade growth. " said Wu An, director of the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chongqing Academy of Social Sciences.

On September 11, after getting the customs declaration and release form, Jin Xianglan, a merchant in Mocheng Street, Changshu City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, finally let go. "In the past, the goods were handed over to the foreign trade company's agent to order the ship from the Shanghai port. Due to port congestion, the shipping schedule was often delayed. Now the customs has launched a new policy to declare and release the goods to the Changshu Customs under Nanjing Customs in the form of integrated declaration of market procurement and trade. The goods can be shipped in the day, which is very convenient." Jin Xianglan said.

"From January to August this year, Jiangsu Province's market procurement trade has received a total of 24,000 export declarations, with a value of 14.33 billion yuan, an increase of 25.2% and 22.6% year-on-year respectively." The relevant person in charge of Nanjing Customs introduced that Nanjing Customs' innovative "points" "Standard operation + no-face inspection" mode, actively connect with the national port customs, open up dual channels of "customs transfer + integrated" export customs clearance, and support qualified professional markets in the province, small and medium-sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households through the market procurement platform Sail out to sea.

Preferential policies stabilize confidence

On September 8, Zhishen Technology Chongqing Co., Ltd. submitted an application for export tax rebate, and received an export tax rebate of 14 million yuan the next day, which greatly eased the financial pressure of the enterprise. "What is refunded is the tax, and what is increased is confidence and confidence." He Ping, a financial officer of Zhishen Technology, said that the Chongqing tax department has set up a team of "export tax rebate policy guidance" to provide enterprises with personalized policy guidance. Up to now, the company has handled a total of 120 million yuan in export tax rebates this year.

In Chongqing, there are currently more than 2,000 companies like Zhishen Technology that enjoy export tax rebate dividends. Since the beginning of this year, the Chongqing tax department has optimized the export tax rebate service by improving classified management and streamlining the submission of materials, helping foreign trade enterprises stabilize funds, orders and markets. Data show that from January to August this year, Chongqing's export tax rebate was 16.085 billion yuan, an increase of 11% year-on-year.

In Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, a major foreign trade city, Molex Connector Co., Ltd. recently encountered a problem: because its raw materials come from many countries, how to determine the origin of the export has become a problem. After Dongguan Customs understood its difficulties, it quickly organized business experts to come to solve it. "This saves more than 2 million yuan in tariffs for our exports to North America this year, and further opens up the North American market." said Shen Penggang, the company's customs manager.

The reporter learned from Dongguan Customs that its "Customs Assist" action not only helps enterprises win the "order defense war" through rationalized suggestions, but also relies on the Huangpu Customs Technology Center to provide technical support for enterprises' exports, and guide enterprises to fully enjoy the various RCEP programs. This facilitation measure has solved 141 pain points and blocking problems for enterprises in the jurisdiction from January to July this year.

"In order to alleviate the financing difficulties and high financing costs of small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises, the Chongqing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau actively guides financial institutions within its jurisdiction to strengthen innovation in cross-border financial products and services, and by extending the repayment of principal and interest for eligible small, medium and micro foreign trade enterprises, Provide preferential policies and preferential interest rates to reduce the financing costs of foreign trade enterprises." Xu Jie, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Chongqing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, introduced that from January to August this year, Chongqing's financial industry has issued a total of 274.443 billion yuan in loans to foreign trade enterprises. A year-on-year increase of 39.67%.

"Continuing to strengthen the construction of the supply chain system is the top priority of the current safe development of foreign trade." Xuan Ye, Dean of the School of International Business and Economics of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, suggested that relevant scientific research units should collaborate with real enterprises to make breakthroughs in the problem of "stuck neck" and create Market competitiveness that is stable and cannot be taken away. (Reporter Zheng Yang Wu Lu Mu Jiang Bo)

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