Duobao Guangxi added a new store headquarters before the opening of the store guidance


Guigang, Guangxi's "Tian Yue · Duobao Confinement Club" is scheduled to open on October 1st. From September 19th to 20th, the founder of the Duobao brand, Mr. Qiu, and the general manager of the group, Mr. Chen, led the headquarter coaching team to the club to provide resident stores. Guidance service.

The focus of the in-store guidance before the opening is to check the preparations for the preparation work of each department, whether the clubhouse environment meets the standards for visiting reception, and re-evaluate the mastery of the personnel who have completed the training at the headquarters, and re-train the knowledge and skills that have not been mastered on the spot.

At the beginning of the opening of the new store, investors focused on sales performance. Mr. Chen, the general manager of Duobao, personally instructed the general manager and the sales team to dismantle the logic and method of the sales package design, repeatedly evaluated and determined the best visiting route, taught the layout standard of the model room by hand, and simulated sales speech drills, etc., to help As soon as the new store opened, the sales were hot and the performance was up to standard!

This time in the store, the headquarters specially interviewed the founder of the store, Mr. Li, why did he choose to cooperate with Duobao? Mr. Li answered without hesitation: Four reasons for choosing Duobao: brand influence, mature management system, precise and effective marketing, and full help and guidance.

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