News advertisment marketing provider Apply these 5 program skills in advertorial marketing creation

thumbnail stated that the articles at the time of soft article marketing were more concerned with search engine optimization, and everyone tried their best to compete for rankings. However, if the current soft text marketing still pays too much attention to search engine optimization skills, it is destined to not get a good result. said that times have changed, and now both readers and search engines need the quality of content: either authoritative or creative.

Therefore, as a copywriter, we must keep pace with the times and actively upgrade our skills to keep up with the changes of the times. So what skills do you need as a copywriter to stay competitive? Today, Jingke Marketing shares 5 skills that need to be mastered in the marketing writing of soft articles.

1. Continuously improve your writing skills said that many people have learned basic writing skills since elementary school: grammar, punctuation, the use of various words and so on. However, when we enter a new social environment, the writing skills we have mastered before can help us create a copy, but they cannot help us create a satisfactory copy. Therefore, we need to continuously improve and perfect our writing skills to apply our needs. pointed out that as a marketing copywriter, we need to keep the copywriting concise, understand the needs of readers, learn to build a relaxed reading experience, and keep sentences flowing between sentences and paragraphs. In addition to the above 4 essential skills, if we want to do a better job in soft text marketing, we need to continuously improve our writing skills according to the multi-dimensional aspects of marketing purposes, release channels, and audience needs.

2. Curiosity and adventurous spirit said that as the saying goes: the early bird catches the worm, and so is the copywriting. If we keep following the successful people and only learn the creative ideas of the successful people without our own unique ideas, then our copywriting is destined to be only a supporting role. As an excellent copywriter, we need to be curious and adventurous at all times, dare to be the first, and walk out of our own unique copywriting style.

In addition, when facing new writing tasks, we should also maintain an exploratory and curious attitude. Dare to explore the unknown and dare to absorb unknown knowledge. Comprehension is required to complete the writing requirements perfectly.

3. Persistent research pointed out that before starting to create a new article, we need to collect and research a lot of relevant knowledge. Although the Internet age has provided us with convenience in searching for relevant information, if you don't even know how to find it, this This convenience is of no use to you. said that when our copywriters receive a new writing request, if they do not have the relevant knowledge to create the required content, but we know where to find the resources we want, this is also possible. And this ability to know how to find the right answer depends on whether our usual research exploration and documentation are in place.

4. Creativity said that we need to continuously improve our copywriting skills to suit the needs of search engines or users. But creativity is a skill we always need to maintain. Just imagine, in your daily writing process, how many times have you found something you want to write and search the Internet a lot? How do we break the deadlock and introduce new ones at such times?

Yes, it's creativity.

The same thing, analyzed from a different angle, the results may be very different.

5. Focus on user experience

People who often read articles on will find that Xiaomo has been emphasizing user experience. why? Data shows that 99% of successful copywriting on the market is not concerned with SEO issues, but user experience. Therefore, every step of our article should be created from the user's point of view. Here are some tips to help you better improve the user experience:

In the selection of keywords, we try to align with user needs as much as possible, not only focus on search engine optimization;

Create headlines by finding frequently asked questions by target users, rather than making decisions based on their own subjective emotions;

The copywriting is customized according to the reading ability of the target user. It cannot be generalized, such as excessive use of some professional terms.

6. Emotional connection stated that emotional marketing is a method that most companies will choose. Yes, emotional marketing is indeed a powerful tool for companies to successfully do soft text marketing. Therefore, we can connect ourselves with readers, and empathize with readers to explore their emotions, so as to create creations, fully mobilize readers' emotions to achieve transformation.

There is no end to learning, and the development of excellent copywriting takes a long time. When we achieve some small achievements, we are not complacent, and we still maintain the attitude of learning; when we have not been able to improve, we are not discouraged, and we continue to create and constantly improve our creative direction. Over time, you will reach the top of the mountain one day., based on its rich experience in news adware marketing, has made up for the inadequacies of hard advertisment, and guided consumers into brand promotion with the effect of hiding needles in cotton, which plays an important role in shaping a perfect brand image. . In addition, as a professional Internet integrated marketing agency, can also cooperate with soft text marketing through the integration of other types of communication forms, such as the construction of the whole network e-commerce platform, the information flow advertising of major Internet media, etc. The company builds a high-end brand image.

Beijing Jingke Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2007 and is headquartered in Beijing. It is an Internet technology company specializing in providing professional Internet marketing services for brand enterprises and listed companies, and building an Internet marketing brand image, focusing on providing Internet integration for brand enterprises. Marketing Services. Comprehensively integrating Internet media resources, through rigorous planning, proper implementation, accurate promotion and other efficient operation modes, it helps corporate customers in various industries to successfully achieve the goals of brand building, image building, and product promotion in the network field.

After 15 years of hard work and hard work, has developed into a "search engine marketing, information flow advertising, brand advertising, traditional advertising, news advertisment marketing, forum marketing, Weibo marketing, WeChat marketing, SEO optimization, word-of-mouth communication, Chinese domain name" (Chinese.Website domain name, Chinese.Mall domain name, Chinese.Mobile phone domain name)" and other comprehensive precision network integrated marketing services! Since its establishment 15 years ago, it has been standing on the cusp of the Internet era, grasping the lifeblood of the development of the era, standardizing the industry standard of network promotion integrated marketing, news advertisment marketing, and doing effective communication. In the era of mobile Internet, based on the breadth and depth of the Internet, it provides multi-dimensional network promotion services, provides news advertisment marketing for more than thousands of enterprises, integrates marketing methods to spread brands, monitors and optimizes network operations, and realizes brand building on the Internet for enterprises and market sales targets. (Article on

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