Dingliu is a sheep, since you can't pass the level, then use a sheep to make money!


No one can pass the second level of this game, but it suddenly became popular all over the Internet. In order to play this game, many people have watched hundreds of advertisements in the past few days. At present, no one in the country has played the third level , and the server has crashed in two days . After three times , this game is a sheep that has been frequently searched for these days .

What is the origin of this game? As moneymakers, can we seize this hot opportunity and make a lot of money quickly? Today , Brother Zhun will teach you how to make a hot video and receive hundreds of millions of hot traffic.

Why do we want to snatch such traffic?

First, it can help your account to quickly increase followers ; second, we can follow hot spots to realize cash.

Not to mention that this game is really good. The first level is as simple as 1+1 . When I thought it was just a promotion gimmick, the second level was directly fooled , and it was simply out of line.

In fact , one of the explosive points of this game lies in its specific setting. As long as you can successfully clear the level, you can join the sheepfold of your province and improve your ranking .

Just when you want to contribute to your province, the reality tells you that your identity may not really need you that much, and behind the explosion of this game is a huge password of wealth .

When you are still immersed in this game and feel the charm of this game, friends with a keen sense of smell have already made a lot of money through this game.

You must know that rubbing hot spots and rubbing hot spots is a must-have ability for all Internet players.

Brother Zhun took a look at the works of the top 100 creators and summed up the gameplay of three popular traffic :

  1. Entertainment eating melon version

I've been eating this Li Yifeng's melon recently. Everyone is more sensitive to things in the entertainment industry, so you can slap some news of traffic stars, and you can publish it with a picture of a sheep .

  1. Tucao

You can complain about this broken game for the masses, and say something humorous, and these comment areas are your source of inspiration, and you can match it with some magical emojis.

  1. Real people appear

The real person's complaints are the most deadly, and the traffic is also the best among the three. If you don't want to appear on the scene , you can add special effects makeup .

You can go to major platforms to take a look, such as Douyin , Moubo , Mouhu , and even Earth . You will find that everyone is discussing the game strategy of Sheep and Sheep . It can be seen that this game has become a phenomenon-level game .

Through the popularity of this small game, today Brother Zhun will analyze from the perspective of ordinary players and merchants, and provide you with 4 ideas for monetization :

  1. Game strategy community

How to use this little game to drain traffic ? Anyone who has played this game knows that the second level of this game is very difficult, so everyone is looking for a clearance strategy. At this time, the user's demand point comes out, that is, the strategy. We can use the strategy to create a game strategy. communities and discussion groups .

Guide users to your private domain by intercepting streams or short videos in the comment area. You must know that most of the users of this game are young people, and young people have relatively strong spending power, so as long as your target group Young people can use this method to promote .

After depositing in your private domain , monetization is very simple, such as selling products or various CPS, etc. After all, there are many projects, and there is no need to worry about monetization if you have traffic .

  1. Game Publisher Program

If you are an individual player, you can also go to the game publisher plan, and search for the game publisher plan directly in the search box at the top of the screen. There is a game called Sheep Sheep on the home page . It settles the income according to the amount of game play. After this task, as long as the video playback volume is higher, the revenue will be higher.

You must know that some people have watched thousands of advertisements to revive in order to make a breakthrough, and have made huge advertising revenue for game manufacturers .

Every time you watch an advertisement, game makers can get 10 to 50 cents of revenue . This is cpm advertising . Don't underestimate its small amount, and it will add up. In fact, ordinary people can also rely on this game to earn advertising. fee .

Now the popularity of the sheep is very high, the probability of playing hundreds of thousands or even millions is still very high , and it can also divide up the prize pool of 220,000, which is very friendly to individual players.

After just one day of fermentation, a single video has now earned a maximum of 75,000+ . There are various methods. This game can be promoted in combination with the overall tone of the video . As long as you are creative, you can get money from it.

The basic logic of the game publisher is that the small game video is linked to the publisher, so that the users who get it will benefit from playing.

This plan has also been launched for a long time, and there have always been people making money in this plan. As long as a wave of traffic is seized, the income will take off directly.

  1. Live game play

If you play this game smoothly, you have some tricks , or the second level has been cleared, you can go directly to the live broadcast to play this game and eat the live broadcast as a reward .

According to observation, basically the live broadcast room of the sheep is very popular, and the number of viewers is thousands or even tens of thousands. No matter if you play well or not, someone will watch you play, especially the interaction rate in the comment area. It is very high. At this time, we can promote some other small games through live broadcast, or do the CPA of the game.

According to the official disclosure, this game will have a version update in the future, so the popularity will not go down for a while, so everyone should take advantage of the popularity to make the video .

  1. Emoji Package Project

After a popular game becomes popular, there will definitely be a lot of emojis coming out. At this time, you can make a bunch of emoji packs, and then put the emoji packs in the applet. If users want to download emoji packs, only If you can go to the applet to watch the advertisement and receive it, you will also get benefits at this time, so you will have a higher probability of becoming popular if you step on the hot spot directly.

So we can see that both individual players and businesses can make use of the popularity of this game, as long as the connection is in place.

Of course, in the eyes of Brother Zhun , the current game of Sheeping a Sheep is only suitable for short-term operations. After all, the popularity of small games is limited, so I don’t know when the popularity will end, but at present , Brother Zhun thinks that The value it captures is still very high , so don’t think that you can only do it for a short period of time .


Because whether it is doing short videos or live broadcasts, this time is definitely an excellent opportunity to start. Make good use of this wave of popularity and make several high-weight game accounts. Whether you want to do a game publisher plan in the later stage, or For other types of game live broadcasts, Brother Zhun believes that the value brought by these accounts will never disappoint you .

Think about it, everyone , when you are standing on the wind and the opportunity is right in front of you, many people only see what is in front of them, but they don’t think about it in the later stage. This also causes most people to miss it directly , which is not worth the loss.

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