The newcomer knows the traffic guide, the most complete traffic password on the whole network is shared with you!


Today, Brother Zhun wants to give everyone a thorough introduction to the promotion of Zhihu traffic. After reading it, anyone can operate it to promote their own products and services.

When many people are doing traffic promotion, they see which platform is popular and do that platform, blindly follow the trend, and what they follow may have an effect.

However, most of them were fruitless.

The first suggestion Mr. Zhun gives to you is that when you decide which platform to start traffic promotion on, please go to find relevant auxiliary tools first .

For example, Zhunge has been doing Zhihu's customer acquisition, using Zhihu's traffic promotion tools.

There are not many such tools on the market at present, and many tools are charged, such as 5118 and so on. So today, Brother Zhun will tell you a free one: Zhihu Toast Marketing Tool.


This tool can find blue ocean questions with a large number of page views on the site and a relatively small number of answers, which can effectively avoid competing with some big names.

If you want to achieve good traffic on Zhihu, this website must be bookmarked and used, which is very helpful for our follow-up.

So what kind of platform is Zhihu?

Before studying Zhihu’s traffic, you need to know what platform Zhihu belongs to.

Zhihu can be said to be the most authoritative and influential knowledge platform so far.

On this platform, we can see users from various industries and professional fields share each other's experiences, views and insights. Everyone has their own different answers, and everyone can answer and give their own methods and opinions. This is the Zhihu platform.

In fact, the nature of Zhihu is like a forum. There are countless users who have come down with a problem, and countless solutions have been proposed around this problem. At the same time, you can find a group of people who have the same interests as you.

If one of your answers is liked by users, the system will recommend your high-quality answer to more people and gain a lot of exposure.

If there is a lot of exposure, it means that you can get traffic and revenue. Therefore, many people can promote traffic from the answers on Zhihu, and then obtain revenue.

When we do Zhihu, we must output valuable content .

The content you publish is as logical as possible, and the answers are comprehensive. Such content is very attractive. Some answers with good data are included in Zhihu Station, and there is also a chance to be listed on Baidu's search homepage.

Have you seen this example?

You can search to see if many of them are on the homepage. Except for some paid promotions, most of the words are basically Zhihu, which is included in Baidu.

As long as your content is of high enough quality, users like it, and there are dry goods and attractive places, traffic will flow to you continuously.

There are many short videos now, which divert many users, but the daily search traffic is enough to feed you.

Simply put, it is one of your answers. It can not only eat the traffic in Zhihu, but also eat Baidu search traffic.

As the old saying goes, where there is traffic, where is our battlefield.

Traffic is the essence of any business.

So why did we choose to do Zhihu promotion?

Let's put it this way,

The 1,000 fans you attract by making short video traffic is far less than the 1,000 fans of the official account.

The 1,000 fans you attract under Toutiao’s traffic is far less than the 1,000 fans on Zhihu.

The quality of Zhihu's fans is comparable to that of public accounts, and the quality is very high.

The quality of fans on each platform is different, but the quality of users on Zhihu is not generally high.

Most of the people on Zhihu are white-collar workers and people with knowledge. The characteristic of such people is that they are willing to pay for knowledge.

Such users have strong purchasing power. If they are people who recognize your content, it is basically easy to make a deal, and it will not be very difficult to communicate.

They know exactly what they want, and the process of closing the deal is easy.

It can be said that the quality of users on Zhihu is the highest.

It is a marketing holy land for free traffic and a money-burning battlefield for paid traffic.

So, if your content is good enough to resonate with users, your traffic will naturally not have to worry about it.

In fact, Zhihu has a characteristic that all platforms do not have. You write this answer and then send it out. It is not only that there is traffic now, but there is always traffic. Many platforms cannot do this.

This is standard passive traffic .

There are many answers from last year, and there may still be people looking for them now. As long as the answers and questions are still there, your traffic will not be cut off.

This is Zhihu's long-tail traffic, which belongs to Zhihu's characteristic traffic promotion. As long as it is clear to those who have been in contact with it, it is really fragrant!

Next, Zhunge will introduce the registration and traffic promotion methods of Zhihu's platform.

The first step, APP download Zhihu

The second step, register an account

1. You can think of a nickname before registering

Ordinary users can only change their username once in 180 days on Zhihu, so it is best to think about the nickname of Zhihu at this time. Since names can be repeated, it's good to go with confidence.

2. Set the avatar

On any social platform, I recommend using your own avatar. It’s reliable, it makes users feel like you’re a real person, and chatting with you can reduce mistrust.

**Of course, there is no need to force it. You can also use animated avatars or other photos. It can only be said that real photos are better.

3. Personalized signature

Tell me who you are? What are your areas of expertise?

Knowing the personality signature, some big Vs can write personal numbers because their account weights are very high.

(In layman's terms, it is playing here for a long time, providing huge value to Zhihu, and turning a blind eye to the advertising behavior of big V).

We didn't do anything with the initial registered account, so don't write a personal account, so as not to be recognized as an advertising account by the platform.

After that, update and improve all the information that can be set as much as possible. As far as Brother Zhun knows, you are considered a qualified account as a newly registered account, and the initial weight will be higher than that of Sanwu trumpet.

4. Zhihu’s user rankings are also assessed based on weight ratios and fan ratios .

After registering an account, it takes a while to maintain it. Like Douyin and Weibo, you must be active and answer as many questions as possible.

The method is very simple, brush the recommendation, and when you encounter a question that you can answer, please answer it with the mentality of answering the question normally, and find the feeling of answering the question.

Regularly outputting valuable content will help improve the inclusion speed of our subsequent articles and our own user rankings.

For the new account we registered, try not to advertise, keep it temporarily, and do not mention your personal number in your personal data and content. If you leave it in the early stage, the system will delete it.

So now let's talk about the concept of this high-weight account in detail.

Every newly registered user of Zhihu has a random initial salt value between 260 and 300. All your operations will directly affect your salt value, which will be updated once a week.

The salt value can be understood as your account level . The higher the account level, the higher the tolerance of Zhihu platform for your advertisements.

What determines this salt value?

In short, it includes account registration time, the number of followers, the quality of answers, the likes, collections, likes, thanks, comments, etc. you get, which will directly affect the salt value of your account.

Therefore, when Zhihu is doing traffic promotion, if you have a high-weight account, try to choose a high-weight account . If your account is old, you can check your salt value.

If you have the conditions, you can prepare a few more, raise them up, and get the weights up.

When it is safe, it is best not to mix it, that is to say, one machine, one card and one ip, this is the best.

Because it avoids a lot of problems, for example, being killed in batches.

Having said that, the basic rules are almost the same, and the following is everyone's favorite ads.

How can ads stay?

1. Text tail

The most commonly used traffic promotion method on Zhihu is to add a paragraph at the end of the article to emphasize its own value and introduce what it can bring to users.

e.g. common sentence

(1) Follow the official account xx, you can see more of my sharing.

(2) If you want to know more about xxx, you can go to my public account xxx.

(3) Follow the official account xx and send xx to get xxx.

2. Pre-buried trenches for the article

You need to make people feel that you can solve this problem, and you need to bury the hook in the article and establish your professional image first.

For example, it can be written like this:

Students often come to ask this question and think of an answer;

The most inquiries received by XX recently are xxxx, and many babies come to me for consultation on this issue;

With detailed and logically clear dry goods, what you write in this way can greatly improve your efficiency;

Add an easter egg at the end of the article, send welfare temptations, and constantly convert interested and precise customers.


Three, one sentence introduction page drainage (important!!)

The most common way to leave an advertisement is the personal profile page. The introduction of this sentence is a prime location for advertising . Basically, it is directly put on your own official account or guides a private conversation.

Here you can find some more answerers in the site to learn. The following templates can be used as a reference.

If you need to divert traffic, you can refer to the method of the public account, and write it later, you can get what you can get.

It should be noted here that on Zhihu, the more detailed and detailed your content, the better.

In this way, your advantages will be highlighted, valuable articles must be written, and only content that users like will be exposed.

If you really can't write it, go to see how other respondents wrote, or go to other platforms to find a few related questions, so that you have something in mind, and then express what you have learned in your own words .

Has this content issue been resolved?

It’s definitely not possible to copy it. Now the rules of Zhihu have changed. Not before, the platform likes original authors, so don’t fight against the rules of the platform.

Let alone be hard and broad in the content, just do your personal signature well, and do these details carefully, and the details determine success or failure.

Finally, I wish you all the freedom to acquire customers!**

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