12 online earning tools that self-media people can't live without, they are extremely practical and must be collected by newbies!


I am a person who loves research tools.

"If you want to do well, you must first sharpen your tools." For marketers, a good marketing tool plays a vital role.

Today I recommend to you mainly the tools of network marketing.

keyword collection tool

Sowai SEO Tool: http://tool.seowhy.com/

To make online earning, you still need to know some SEO optimization knowledge. With this tool, you can well expand the keywords with large search volume of users, so as to implant them in our articles, and finally achieve a better search display volume. ~

PS: This tool is recommended for students who are doing search engine traffic, such as Baidu Know, Baidu Wenku, Baidu Know, Baidu Pictures and keyword implantation of some self-media articles!

Webmaster's Home: http://tool.chinaz.com

Enter a core short word in the search box, such as product name, product alias, product model, company business, industry words, crowd words and even competitors, and the system will automatically match other long tail words and related words. Index , indexing volume, number of top 10 websites, optimization difficulty and other parameters are also readily available for selection.

PS: This tool is suitable for detecting keywords used by competitor websites, and then we can imitate or learn from it according to our own situation.

Popular must-have tools on Douyin

data analysis tool

Watermelon Index is a data analysis tool for short video platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, and Meipai based on big data.

For the ranking list, including the daily list, the weekly list, the total list, the like list, the fan list, the comment list, the rising list, the hottest list of topics, the rising list and other data can be indexed for comprehensive analysis . With this tool, we can make our short videos catch the heat of these hot topics.

Douyin account trading platform: http://xmt.a5.net

The A5 trading platform specializes in providing transaction intermediary services such as domain name websites, WeChat public accounts, Toutiao, Weibo, link trading, program source code, and website building art tasks. Douyin accounts can also conduct secured transactions on it.

Self-media blast text collection tool

Optimism: http://www.myleguan.com/

This website can be bound to the accounts of some self-media platforms. That is to say, after you publish on a self-media platform such as Toutiao, you can use this to directly synchronize to other self-media platforms you want to publish. This greatly reduces the workload.

At the same time, the website also has the function of chasing hot spots, collecting popular articles, massive photo galleries, marketing calendars, and the website's own pseudo-original detection function, which is very practical!

From the media coffee: http://www.zimeika.com/

This platform can collect almost all mainstream self-media platforms in it. And this website can search according to the content you need, that is, your field. For example, if you write an article about the workplace, if you click on the workplace category, the corresponding article will appear. You can also filter according to your own requirements, such as publishing time and reading volume.

PS: There are also functions such as pseudo-original detection tools, video address resolution, keyword subscriptions, author subscriptions, and popular text titles.

Yi Zhuan: http://zmt.yizhuan5.com/

Yizhuan is a paid self-media creation auxiliary tool. Due to the fee, it has more complete functions, more accurate data, and higher practical performance. It has explosive library, video library, topic library, etc. It also includes knowledge quiz and video article production tools. , platform operation tools and more!

Drainage/resource integration tools

Easy Language: http://www.dywt.com.cn/

Easy language is developed by our Chinese cattle. The software can be edited with some Chinese characters, and the function is very powerful. Students who want to do all kinds of script drainage can do in-depth research. For example, you can develop a news automatic reading script, automatic like script, automatic comment script and so on!

PS: As an online earning project, there is still a big market for this piece. If you are interested, you can try it!

Qiange: https://qiange.so/ This tool is very suitable for students who are Taobao customers. Seeing that others can share the Taoke link on WeChat, I am confused. In fact, as long as you use this tool to convert Taobao links, you can directly open them on WeChat without jumping to the browser!

PS: We can use this tool to connect Taobao resources and WeChat ecological resources. In fact, some people have already used this information to make wool!

QR code creation tool: https://cli.im/

The forage QR code can be used as a display and promotion entrance for articles, websites, etc., supports a variety of content layout, and is simple and convenient to operate;

PS: Graphics, videos, and links are made into QR code sharing and free live code production, which is needed for group fission!

Short URL: www.Sina.lt

We all know that long links affect user experience, and short links are not only convenient for typesetting, but also comfortable for users to look at! You can use Sina short link compression, the length becomes shorter, so that it is much more concise and concise.

PS: Of course, you can also use Baidu short link https://dwz.cn/

PDF online editing tool: https://lightpdf.com/zh/

This tool can realize any mutual conversion between PDF and other formats (word, png, jpg, etc.), and can also encrypt PDF, add watermark to PDF, etc.

PS: There is no need to register, let alone log in to use it directly online!

HD Gallery Tool

Good-looking images are especially important for marketing and can quickly attract the attention of target users. The libraries recommended below are all free for commercial use, because before using the pictures, be sure to clarify the use authorization specifications of the pictures to avoid infringement.



Provide free commercial images, high-resolution illustrations or background material for your product design, greeting cards, etc.

Life of pix


It is also a free gallery, and most of the materials are shared by professional photography images. They are also commercially available and have no copyright restrictions. Click on the magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the main page to search by photo category, color tone and vertical and horizontal version of the image.

Image editing tools



The main function is graphic design and image editing. For those who do not use PS or design novice, it has rich functions, and does not need to download and install. It can be opened at any time to meet the processing needs of lightweight images.

at last:

There are countless marketing tools about Wangzhuan, and they are constantly being introduced every year. Sometimes it is difficult to make a conclusion, which is good and which is bad, but if you keep changing tools frequently, it will only affect work efficiency.

In addition, some tools must be paid for to use fully, but it is worthwhile to use them well and benefit from them.

Choose some that are suitable for your own industry, and become proficient in it after continuous practice, in order to maximize the benefits.

All in all, what is helpful to you can be called the most practical.

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