Inventory of 4 fast money tracks, low threshold and quick money, seize the opportunity for ordinary people to earn more than 10,000 a month!


The short video track itself is basically saturated , and some people are already looking for overseas short video opportunities .

However, there are still opportunities for domestic ones. For example, it is still very profitable to be a niche track or category in Kuaishou . The threshold is low, the profit margin is large, it is not too difficult to do, and the competition is not difficult.

Today , Brother Zhun will take stock of some 4 categories of gameplay that are particularly profitable and less competitive on Kuaishou .

1. Teaching adults to read

Recently , Brother Zhun found that the account for teaching adult literacy is very popular. There are many accounts of this type in Kuaishou, and the demand is very large.

This situation is related to the user group of Kuaishou . Kuaishou itself is dominated by 2-4 tier cities and rural groups, and the education level is lower than that of Douyin .

To be honest, China has such a large population, especially the middle-aged and elderly groups, there are still some illiterate groups.

Therefore, Kuaishou accounts that are more popular than Douyin are derived in this way . Many of them have tens of thousands of likes, and there is also a lot of room for monetization. New accounts that teach literacy courses can sell hundreds of copies.

How to play:

In fact, the operation is very simple . As a literacy teacher, you can make an account, find some 1st grade Chinese literacy books, and broadcast your phone to the books orally .

It is best to teach some four-character idioms. The idioms themselves are more cultural, so that these middle-aged and elderly groups have a sense of accomplishment after learning , and then they can sell the courses in stores every day .

Case study :

For example , this account with 374,000 fans sends literacy videos within 30 seconds every day. It is taught by the blogger's voice , and each time it focuses on how to pronounce 12 words + group words.

When the pronunciation was not quite standard, a simple pinyin video marked on a printing paper, there were many popular videos of more than 10,000 , and her video was in the top position in the literacy video ranking search .

The likes of the video are maintained at around 200-300. Many middle-aged and elderly people leave messages in the comment area to express their gratitude. It can be seen that this account has many stable fan groups.


  1. Find some books and shoot oral videos within 30 seconds, mainly explaining how to pronounce 2-5 words, how to form words and application scenarios.

  2. Paid courses are sold on Kuaishou, and you can become a paid content producer by opening.

  3. If you want to sell more, you can do live broadcast sales, directly engage in unmanned live broadcast, and the voice can appear on the scene.

Realization form:

For example, this account for teaching adult literacy , a set of courses sold for 96-118 yuan and sold 4,268 copies, and it sold more than 400,000 copies, not counting some books , paper , pens and other commodities sold in her personal store. income.


Teaching adult literacy itself has the attribute of a teacher. Generally, fans have a stronger sense of trust in this type of teacher - type blogger. Basically, if you sell a course , books, etc., someone will buy it , and there are a lot of ready-made courses online. Yes , the profit margin is very large .

2. Selling tea in the live broadcast room

In the same sentence, it is better to start with a niche track in Kuaishou selling goods, and selling tea is also an area with large demand and large profit margins .

This piece is suitable for cooperating with manufacturers to sell some popular teas, such as white tea , Pu'er , dark tea , gift tea, etc. The profit margin is large, and there is no need to stock up the goods, just sell the goods . This is a good job, and the monthly income is hundreds of thousands Not really a problem.

How to play:

Pack it into a tea number directly supplied by the source manufacturer, and share some videos of tea planting or tea brewing knowledge. This kind of video will give people a strong sense of reality, and then you can find a beautiful woman to appear on the scene. If not, you can find one It is also possible for the old man to wear ancient clothes for shooting .

Case study :

For example, this account has 2.134 million fans called Dandan, a tea farmer. The content of the account is basically divided into three sections: 1. Agricultural display of tea picking 2. Tea-making process display 3. Tea tasting knowledge popularization;

Basically, the tea number sold by the source manufacturer is mainly based on these three types. The origin display and product production process, as well as the final product-related knowledge popularization, are very professional and down -to-earth, and also give people a strong convincing force.

Live room gameplay:

  1. While making tea, explain the color, taste, growing environment and origin of tea leaves, and show the color of tea soup and pictures of tea making.

  2. Introduce who the tea products are suitable for drinking and tasting, and at the same time inform the prices on the market, including the differences and price comparisons of tea products in the same industry.

  3. Finally, tell the price of the live broadcast room, such as today's discount, the price of the combination package, etc., in order to stimulate fans' desire to buy.

Tea products are different from other products, but they still have cultural attributes. The live broadcast room needs to explain some common sense knowledge of tea, making tea, etc. At the same time, the live broadcast room combines some low-priced popular teas , gift teas , and profit teas to combine and sell. .

Realization form:

For example, in this live broadcast room specializing in source tea, the unit price of tea products is mainly 128-158 yuan , and the total sales volume is as high as 1.018 million. For example, this 158-yuan Dahongpao has a sales volume of 23,000, and the sales of a single product is as high as 1.018 million. 3.636 million.


This kind of tea selling business must cooperate with the manufacturer, and you can ask them to discuss the direct delivery , such as shipping out by half a catty or a catty as a single order, this kind of profit margin is relatively large, about 20-40% . This kind of live broadcast room basically has a set of fixed words, and it can be broadcast without a real person appearing on the screen. It is broadcast for 5-6 hours a day, and it is not a big problem to earn 100,000 or 200,000 a month.

3. Kuaishou games ( chess and cards )

Ordinary people can make money faster by playing the game cpa in Kuaishou, and it is easier to operate with a low threshold, such as choosing chess and card tasks. This kind of video shooting is simpler, and it is a popular game, and many people play it.

How to play:

Chess and card games, namely mahjong, landlord fighting, and chess, can be shot live video to reproduce the real poker scene; or the wonderful screen recording of the game playing process can be edited into a video, and the game download link can be posted.

Case study :

For example, this account with 517,000 fans is called Joao, the owner of Happy Land. It is a game commentary account for Happy Landlord. The content of the account is basically to record the screen of the course of playing the game, and edit the highlights, plus emoticons and voice. Explanation is the main thing.

The biggest feature of this account is the humorous commentary of the anchor. For example, if a dog comes to fight, you can win. If you fight like this, I can't say it if you don't win... Make the whole video so interesting that people can't help but watch it. .


  1. You need to open the game partner plan to earn money as a game cpa. There are 3 Kuaishou accounts, and account fans ≥ 5000 can apply for settlement, or you can ask a treasure to help you.

  2. Chess and card games can be more popular with real-life videos, or focus on editing some wonderful pictures of the game to attract attention. It is not recommended to edit the entire process.

Realization form:

Chess and card characters basically cost 2-5 yuan for a single download. Generally, about 10-30 people who play 10,000 games will download and play games, and it is easy to make explosions. Many broadcasters who engage in this kind of game earn 10,000-20,000 a week If they still make matrix numbers to distribute, and they also engage in live broadcasts, they will earn more.


There is a certain small threshold for Kuaishou to participate in the game partner program. You can find an mcn agency to open it, and then join the whitelist of the Qiyi program. You can get 100,000-300,000 traffic from the official platform, and your personal monthly income is tens of thousands. question.

4. Sannong selling goods ( nutrition )

If you want to sell goods on Kuaishou, you must choose a niche track to start with. This kind of profit margin is big and the competition is small. Otherwise, how can you fight against the supply chain and big anchors ?

The Sannong market is quite suitable for ordinary people, and the threshold for shooting is low, and it can be realized quickly. Before this , Kuaishou also released a data report, saying that one out of every two Sannong creators is in Kuaishou . made money .

However, it is not recommended to sell fruits and honey on the theme of agriculture , farmers and farmers . You can develop nourishing types, such as deer ginseng paste. The anchor of the case introduced below sells nourishing products, especially to make money.

How to play:

Open some nourishing and health - preserving accounts to attract precise target groups, such as deer ginseng has a nourishing effect on the body , middle-aged and elderly nourishing and health care tutorials, and vertical sub-accounts such as showing the deer ginseng breeding environment, and then open live broadcasts to sell goods, such as deer ointment and deer wine , deer ginseng paste and other agricultural and sideline products, mainly attracting the purchasing impulse of middle-aged and elderly men and women.

Case study :

For example, the number of fans is 5.708 million , and it is called the general account of Changchun Sika Deer Farm. Basically, he is the head blogger of sika deer related agricultural and sideline products.

The content of the account is basically divided into three sections: 1. Farm environment display 2. Deer wine brewing display 3. Popular science of breeding sika deer and products;

It covers everything from basic breeding to processing to product display and popular science. Although many works are hidden, the content is basically displayed in full. Many accounts of the same type are mainly based on these themes. After all, the origin display itself It's very convincing.

Live room gameplay:

  1. Display products , share the value of products such as deer cream, who is suitable for drinking, including drinking methods, efficacy and effects.

  2. At the same time, analyze some differences between the products on the market and your own products, including the method of identifying real and fake deer paste and introducing the knowledge of deer breeding.

  3. Finally, I will explain the price of the product, and at the same time, some limited-time discounts will be released from time to time during the live broadcast . For example, the first-class discount for the second shot will cost 3 or 4 yuan a day, and a box can be eaten for 15 days. Earn, old iron, 321... to stimulate fans' buying demand.

Realization form:

Many live broadcast rooms mainly sell by-products such as deer paste, deer wine , deer ginseng paste , and pine antler soup packs. For example, in this live broadcast room specializing in such products, 47,000 boxes of products have been sold in the past 90 days, with a GMV of more than 50 million . .


After all, there are still many middle-aged and elderly people who buy this kind of tonic, and the market volume is quite large. There are still many types of tonics, and the competition is small. You can dig out some of these in-demand products to sell, such as Ejiao paste, sesame pills, etc.

5. The direction of thinking about fast-hand realization

1. The business of middle-aged and elderly people is better

Kuaishou itself has more users in the sinking market. It is easier to do business for middle-aged and elderly people on the niche track than for young people . Moreover, if you find a suitable manufacturer to cooperate with one-piece delivery, the profit margin is very large, and you can basically make money . A wave of money.

2. Most of the Kuaishou in Douyinhuo are universal

Douyin’s users are not all urban groups. There are still a large number of 2-4 tier cities, including the age of users, such as teaching adult literacy. This kind of account is also very popular in Douyin recently. You may think more about it . , Douyin fire can copy Kuaishou to test it, there must be a feasible project .

3. What other opportunities to make money ?

Kuaishou's intra-city group buying business is also very popular, and the government is also supporting it. You can try to do it , including the recommendation of good things for the mother and baby group, as well as the male market, fishing , pigeon racing and other hobby industries. It is also a good income for ordinary people. Account type.


Some niche track industries and categories of Kuaishou are more relaxed than Douyin, such as tonic deer wine and other products. Douyin is relatively stricter . You can choose multiple channels to try out short videos . Maybe this channel can’t develop well by changing another channel.

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