A mobile phone, 2 hours a day, a sideline business with a profit of 1000 is highly recommended!


There are actually many opportunities to make money on the Internet. As the saying goes, where the traffic is, there is money to be made.

Nowadays, short videos are very popular, occupying most of people's time every day, and there are many people who make money by shooting short videos, and many tools have been developed in this regard.

For example, Douyin live broadcast requires live broadcast data tools. There are several such platforms, and the more famous ones, such as Zen Mom, Feigua, Salary List, Salary View, etc.

Whether you are making short videos or live broadcasts, these data sharing platforms are very helpful. Ordinary sharing queries are free, but advanced data requires payment, usually recharged members.

Take Zen Mom's official website as an example, the price of its professional monthly card membership is 1299 yuan, and it can be obtained by selling it for only 200 yuan on some duoduo. The difference is 1,000 yuan, that is, you can earn 1,000 profit by selling one order!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that selling members on the Internet can earn one thousand yuan per order. Such a business project is really not bad! No, it's simply too good.

However, the most important thing is the supply of goods. How can we get such a low-cost Zen Mom monthly membership?

In fact, there are many channel methods, here are mainly two.

One is shared membership. That is, a one-time purchase of an annual membership, and then some monthly memberships are shared. Just as you have purchased an annual membership of Fujixun Video, you can scan the code and share it with your friends. Generally, you can share about 5 people at the same time.

The other is the proxy.

In fact, the official Zen mother is also recruiting agents. You can join as long as you pay a certain fee, and then get a membership card at a very low price.

However, the agent needs to pay tens of thousands of franchise fees, and there is also an annual sales performance assessment. The franchise fee will not be refunded if it is not completed, which is not suitable for everyone.

If you want to carry out the project with a small investment and low risk, it is recommended that several people crowdfund to buy an annual membership and then share it.

At present, most of the products sold on certain treasures and certain treasures belong to this category.

Of course, selling on the Internet requires traffic, and a huge profit of 1,000 yuan is enough to support paid diversion, as long as the production ratio is done well.

If it is done by an individual, you can get free traffic by posting, post from the public account, Xiaohongshu diversion and so on.

In fact, to sum up in one sentence, where there is traffic, it will go where it will flow.

I saw a public servant account before, and every day I published a simple promotion copy, explaining that I had a Zen Mom Professional Edition monthly card membership for only 200 yuan, which was all for search traffic, which was very accurate.

Dozens or hundreds of people see them every day, and these are accurate potential customers, and Weixin is added to discuss them.

Brother Zhun has always emphasized that making money on the Internet is actually a poor information. You know that others don’t know it. Sell the resources you can obtain to those who need it and earn the difference.

This is the easiest way to make money.

As long as you find out with your heart and do in-depth research, there are still many such paths. If you are very confused and don't know how to start, you might as well study other people's projects, advertisements placed by others, and other people's circles of friends, which can bring you useful information.

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