Practical Drainage Thought Sharing: Create a Drainage Promotion System


Written in the front: I prefer to create a drainage and promotion ecological chain, which definitely needs a set of system (system) support. Maybe you don’t quite understand what is a drainage and promotion ecological chain. The name is actually my own thought, and it can also be called more popular. Whole network marketing, or the whole network drainage promotion.

I have written an article on the practical operation of the screen before. Today, this article should be regarded as an upgraded version of the search engine screen. Newcomers may not understand it too much, or you can read the article I wrote about the screen. .

Off-topic thinking: What is an "ecological chain"

Refers to the collective name of all organisms interacting with this environment in a specific environment. Maybe most of my friends don't understand it well, it doesn't matter if they don't understand it, everyone has heard of the Xiaomi ecological chain.

Practical Drainage Thinking Sharing: Creating a Drainage Promotion System Network Marketing Baidu Wechat Drainage Experience No. 1

To put it more bluntly, the Xiaomi ecological chain is an online product alliance created by Lei Jun with Xiaomi technology as the core, while connecting offline, allowing customers to experience offline, online shopping, and modern consumer concepts in four words: How fast and economical. The Xiaomi ecological chain fully satisfies these points, which is also the secret of Xiaomi's rapid progress in the past few years...

In fact, the article I shared today is more of a thinking of drainage and promotion, rather than a fixed technology. I don’t know if Xiaomi’s success can’t be replicated, but it’s probably not something that can be done in a year or two. .

But this kind of thinking can be transformed. First of all, we should understand that there are basically two ways to make money online on the Internet: selling products and selling services.

Basically all Internet people are running these two kinds of businesses. In the beginning, Baidu accounted for most of the Internet traffic. A few years ago, whether it was doing SEO or bidding ranking, the effect was extremely strong, and it was almost crowded. Later, Taobao, QQ, Weibo, WeChat, Toutiao, the era of self-media, and now Douyin.

Situation Analysis:

The emergence of countless traffic ports has split Baidu traffic and diverted it. Numerous traffic drainage promotion models and products have also emerged. Those who want to survive on the Internet are also groping for a way out in this mixed vortex and doing SEO. The effect is too slow, and most of the industry hot words have already been seized by giants.

As a self-media, the effect was very good in the past few years, you can leave advertisements, you can send links, and the speed of attracting traffic is so fast, but it finally ended its traffic-draining career early this year. Weibo and WeChat public account are almost the same. By the time you react, you may have missed the opportunity, and at the moment you are still growing, the way out has been squeezed by others.

Practical Drainage Thinking Sharing: Creating a Drainage Promotion System Network Marketing Baidu Wechat Drainage Experience No. 2

Directly, many companies have gradually begun to give up online and go back to offline. Today, I write this article to tell some people that there must be no shortage of online traffic, but you don’t use the right method. The Internet is like this, customers are Looking for you, you are also looking for customers, the key is how to let your customers find you, and how do you find your customers?

Every company has its own way of attracting and promoting, just like everyone has something suitable for them, but they must analyze and grasp it by themselves, because everyone is different, and every company is not necessarily.

As shown in the figure below, this is the entire network drainage and promotion ecological chain:

Practical Drainage Thinking Sharing: Creating a Drainage Promotion System Network Marketing Baidu Wechat Drainage Experience No. 3

First of all, this is a thinking, not a fixed thinking. I hope everyone can understand it, so as to find the most suitable way to attract and promote the whole network, instead of copying one-sidedly.

Target or precise customer groups:

So how to understand this picture, in fact, the most important thing is the most central traffic port, that is to say, if you want to attract traffic or promote online, you must first find out where your users gather?

For example, if you make products, almost all the traffic ports are on the e-commerce platform, so the e-commerce platform should be the center to spread,

In the early stage, do a good job of laying the groundwork for the e-commerce platform, smash through trains, debug keywords every day, and do everything possible to obtain traffic. Losing some in the early stage will not have much impact. When you get a certain amount of traffic, it will start to spread.

There are 6 options shown in the picture, all of which can be used for promotion at this stage. You can find 1-2 suitable ones. I suggest that you can also consider Weibo and We-media platforms, and website SEO if you don’t invest much in the early stage.

If you choose more soft articles, then it’s not wrong to build a WeChat public account. For websites and WeChat, if traffic is imported in the early stage, there will be revolutionary changes.

The first step is to create a traffic port. In the second step, you consider whether to continue to increase traffic, or use the resources at this stage to accumulate other traffic ports. When the six dimensions are satisfied, a balance point will be reached, and links and advertisements will be shared. Let your users find your Weibo after reading your articles, find your WeChat public account after reading your Weibo, and find your WeChat public account at the same time, and finally discover your self-media platform. your product.

This way is to let your customers finally find you from all levels and discover your products, so as to achieve the effect of attracting and converting.

Let’s share the practical operation below. I did SEO optimization before, and I recently operated SEO. I found that the ranking is not as good as before. Baidu keyword rankings always have new information bars, and they are always ranked first or first. Two pages, carefully search for the source and find that it is an article from the media platform;

Practical Drainage Thinking Sharing: Building a Drainage Promotion System Network Marketing Baidu Wechat Drainage Experience No. 4

Back then, the We-Media platform could not only post advertisements, but also had good rankings. Baidu collected it very quickly, so I found this out and started running We-Media.

The traffic is coming very fast, this is the first traffic port!

Practical Drainage Thinking Sharing: Building a Drainage Promotion System Network Marketing Baidu Wechat Drainage Experience No. 5

I have accumulated some traffic through the traffic port, about more than 1000. When adding me first, I will recommend my WeChat public account first, and this is achieved.

The role of converting WeChat official account: I added my official website link in the WeChat official account, and at the same time divided the traffic to the official website, through the conversion in the early stage, hundreds of traffic were imported into my website. The direct weight has rushed to 2, and the indexing and keyword rankings have been greatly improved.

Since then, the website has become my second traffic port. At the same time, I have left a WeChat account on the official website and a link to the WeChat public account.

Practical Drainage Thinking Sharing: Creating a Drainage Promotion System Online Marketing Baidu Wechat Drainage Experience No. 6

This completes the "ecological chain cycle" at the beginning, a small ecological chain that belongs to me.

With these traffic, I started to make money, and when I saw the income, I began to increase investment. I also began to fight more and more bravely. I immediately recruited 2 people to cooperate with my work, opened Weibo, and many self-media platforms. From the previous Taobao, to Tmall, Jingdong.

Desire, trust begin:

Traffic from Tmall and is also coming relatively quickly. On the details page, I have left a link to the website and the official account with a QR code. The traffic is coming quickly, and most of them are accurate customers, as long as your content is good enough. Customers have the desire to buy again. You let customers know more about your products, and they will naturally pay.

Since then, my work has changed from a technical SEO to a practical fighter of the whole network, which also laid a solid foundation for me to operate the self-media in the future. The change of thinking is sometimes the beginning of life transformation.

The above is my practice 2 years ago, the situation is different now...

The traffic port has changed greatly, and the new Douyin has become the best traffic port in the new era, so I suggest everyone to try to set Douyin as the first traffic port.

As for how Douyin attracts traffic, I will share it in a later article. I won't go into details here. This is just the first, and the rules of the second self-media platform have also changed.

It is no longer possible to leave advertisements and phone calls as before, and the rules of Baidu, including SEO, have also changed. The new Bear's Paw account, everyone must pay attention, Baidu has been pushing the Bear's Paw account.

Practical Drainage Thinking Sharing: Building a Drainage Promotion System Network Marketing Baidu Wechat Drainage Experience No. 7

As shown in the picture, I joined the Bear's Paw Advanced Camp early. If you pay more attention to the website, you can consider this one.

Key Points:

The solution for we-media is actually simple. If you start to do we-media now, try to accumulate as much as possible in the early stage, and do not leave advertisements. When your fan traffic reaches a certain level, or your account has passed the requirements of the self-media platform, you can leave your website or WeChat official account in your personal profile or elsewhere.

The same is true of our company's Sohu We Media account, including the most popular Douyin now, and you can also leave a WeChat account in your personal data.

Practical Drainage Thinking Sharing: Creating a Drainage Promotion System Network Marketing Baidu Wechat Drainage Experience No. 8

It is recommended that everyone try to choose the most effective self-media platforms in the early stage, or some popular WeChat public accounts and personal blogs.

Because the traffic comes very quickly, the consumption is not large in the early stage, so that we can have more lasting combat power; in the later stage, try to focus on the website, because no matter how large the traffic is, it is still someone else's platform after all. Your own entrepreneurial efforts will always contribute to others, which will not last long, and you are the best platform to interact with users.

In general, the rules will change, but the results are hard to change, it's just that the process may require more grinding. I hope everyone can find a good way to attract traffic and promote the whole network. This sharing is just a sharing of thinking patterns.

As I said at the beginning, Xiaomi's success is difficult to replicate, but as long as we have goals, we believe that one day we can have our own success that is difficult to replicate. Walk to the place where the water is poor, sit and watch the clouds rise. In fact, many things are not that difficult, but you have not mastered the correct method.

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