The video number book list gameplay is on the rise! Suitable for novice layout, 0 cost monthly income of 20000+!


The video account is crazy to play the book list. The method of playing the book list in 2019 can be played on the video account, and a video can earn two or three W.

Everyone knows that the commission for the book list is 70% or even 80% .

Copy the Dou sound to play

Fan D is no stranger to everyone. The king of the book list, many people rely on Fan D to not know how much meat they eat. Unfortunately, Fan D has been severely suppressed on Douyin.

But now the same method is flying on the video account!

The same number of ways, let’s look at this data, the unit price of two books is 79 to 169, and the unit price is clearly placed here. Friends who have played the book list must know that it only sells 99 for 15 book accounts on Douyin , and now there are two books. Can be sold at this price.

Therefore, the overall consumption performance is still good. This video has sold more than 1,000 orders. If you can calculate the money, one video will bring more than 10W of goods .

We unrolled this one and found out that wasn't it ever experienced before!

So what Brother Zhun wants to say is that many of the current video accounts are moved from Douyin .

So the book-listing method I'm talking about today is also the same as Douyin 's set before. It's nothing more than making a video, posting a video, and then hanging the product on it.

What is a video book list number

The book order number is to publish short videos of knowledge and chicken soup, link to books, and the audience then buys the transaction order.

In Kuai 's hands, the Dou sound is relatively mature. Typical representatives include Pan D Reading Club, Fang Q, Ah G Reading Club, etc. The advantage of the book list is that it pays for knowledge, which is essentially selling anxiety .

Advantages of video numbers over Douyin

On the one hand, the video account can provide a powerful supplement to the traditional public account graphic promotion content, which is conducive to further meeting the content needs of various users and reaching more users.

On the other hand, it can make full use of the user assets of the G public account to guide the video account , deliver more forms of content value to users, and form a closed marketing loop with product links and tweets.

1. Operate multiple accounts at the same time, focus on vertical fields, and operate more refined.

Second, the update frequency is high, and the powder absorption capacity continues to increase.

3. There are short video content with more likes and forwarding, and the influence effect is obvious.

How to operate

1. To make the video account out of stock, you must first open the W letter store.

Just search directly, from registration, activation, product launch to release is very simple.

Moreover, the functions of the W letter store are relatively complete at present, such as commodities, orders, after-sales, store decoration and so on.

In addition, the W letter store also has a delivery center, and the commission for many books also has a 50% commission, so you can also choose products through the delivery center, which is simpler.

If you have your own product, publishing is also more convenient.

2. Most of the book number bloggers do not open bookstores and do not own books, but earn the difference and commission by placing orders on their behalf.

That is, first select relevant books on platforms such as Pin DD and T Bao, and then synchronize the information of the books to your own video store.

As long as a customer places an order, the blogger will go to DD or T treasure to place an order.

where does the material come from

1. Copy

If you want to be lazy, just copy it. If you sell it on the video account, then you can find related videos on DD and Dou. You can completely copy it, and just modify the soundtrack, size and so on.

2. Copy

You can shoot whatever other people do, just change the script, time, and scene a little bit, and it's very fast.

3. Original

After referring to relevant videos, write copy, shoot videos, and do live broadcasts according to your own ideas.

This kind of difficulty is quite big. From the perspective of the prospective brother, I still recommend everyone to use the first and second methods, how to get there quickly.

Unless your purpose is to make a completely independent book IP, but this process of bringing goods is relatively long.

How to structure the content

The key point is to tell you how the video content is done. In terms of structure, there are four points:

1. Celebrity Effect

This is very important. For example, why did you take Fan D as an example, because he is very famous, and many people have seen his videos and have a sense of trust in him.

The same words from Fan D's mouth are definitely different from those of an ordinary person. Celebrity effect is a key point in determining whether or not to convert.

2. Hit the pain point

Note that the conversion rate has a lot to do with directly hitting the pain point. Why do the books pushed by Fan D sell well?

It's because the content of his videos can basically hit the pain points of users, there is no nonsense, and every sentence can resonate.

The audience will immediately feel that this is what I need, this is my pain, how do you know me so well, I must buy this book, so the conversion rate has skyrocketed.

3. Material scissors

Because the material of these celebrities is limited, although there are many resources that can be found on the Internet, they are nothing more than those faces, such as Fan D, Yu Min H, Chen C, Jin X and so on.

So everyone will say that the transportation is nothing more than just a few platforms, Douyin, Kuaishou, and video accounts are fighting each other, is it a bit saturated or can't be transported?

In fact, it is not. In addition to these domestic short video material websites, you can also carry foreign video materials. People in the circle like to go to YouTube and other platforms to search for related videos and use them as materials.

Just modify the relevant parameters during the secondary editing process, including the background, including the dubbing, including the background music, and you can directly link the link to bring the goods.

4. Publish direct with book

This process is very simple, and we can achieve it by following these four steps.

But there are two key points here , which Brother Zhun put forward separately:

1. People are important

Why choose celebrities like Fan D or Jin X, because they have celebrity effects and can easily increase the conversion rate.

Note that the conversion rate of your video is determined from the beginning of the selection, and some people may find that their video is not converted no matter how it is posted.

The reason may be that the person did not choose the right one. This person may not be well-known on the corresponding platform, or he may not be recognized by the platform, resulting in a low conversion rate.

2. Pain is important

Pain also determines conversion. In fact, most of the people who buy books after seeing such videos, do you think they are really reading books? Not really, but to relieve pain and relieve anxiety.

They watched the video and triggered the pain point. It just so happened that this book seemed to be able to solve this problem and ease their pain. What should I do if the relationship is not going well? What if the children at home don't listen to the teaching? and many more.

In fact, many people don't read the books at all after they buy them back, and put the books there in piles.

Most people who actually read books do not buy books through such video recommendations. Generally, they will look for books from books. They also choose books, publishers, and authors very much, and they also need to see if the book has a good reputation. What kind of awards have you won, and then determine its gold content in reading books.

So don't think that selling this book is to sell it to people who love to read, absolutely not!

Remember, do not use your own cognition to judge the market for any project. The book sold by the book list number is a painkiller for the soul, which is used to relieve pain and anxiety.


At present, the video account is still in the process of full content and gradual improvement. The products of the T-information series have unique promotion advantages.

Because whether it is the G public account, the S frequency account, the applet, or the W letter store, they are all connected with the W signal, and because it does not involve external diversion, T news is still very encouraging.

Therefore, you can transfer the mature models of Douyin, Kuaishou and other platforms to the video account and do it again, and the probability of success is still very high.

It is also more suitable for novices to lay out and attract fans. W letter's huge users are so close to private domains, don't worry about it, as long as you do it, you can realize it, and as long as you do it, you can realize the fans!

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