Profiteering sideline recommendation! 0 cost operation, daily income 2000+!


To be honest, in the current self-media, the article type does not make as much money as the video type.

The projects shared by Brother Zhun today are mainly based on videos: text-to-video (introduction)

One-click paste text to automatically generate video, this project is very suitable for novices, and people who have little traffic in the early stage.

Why is it said that the video category will make more money than the article category, or even dozens of times the income!

Take Witcher Finance from Toutiao as an example, just look at the traffic comparison between his articles and videos!

Article readings

Video views

The course saw that the reading volume of the article was 1.7W , and the playback volume of the video reached 44W , which is 25 times more traffic - which means that more than 20 articles have to be written to be equal to one video.

In addition , Brother Zhun also noticed that the update of his articles stopped at the end of 2020, and now he mainly makes videos, which is enough to prove that videos are indeed the most profitable .

Now each platform publishes works with a recommendation mechanism. No matter whether the account has fans or not, as long as the published video works are popular, they will be automatically pushed traffic.

This is an opportunity for newbies to counterattack through video self-media.

Some people will say that the article is simple, the video production is difficult!

Is it really? In fact, many of the videos that do not appear on the screen directly use the text-to-video function, which will automatically generate matching graphics, text and voice.

Of course, the text content and pictures are also very important. If you are original, you need a certain level of writing, but if you are a novice, it is not recommended to be original.

Novices can start with short videos. The oral copy of short videos basically has no copyright. Making short stories into videos is their own work.

Easy to make without skills

The annual income is over 100 W !

The one on D tone doesn't have to leak his face, he introduces the stars by telling stories. The number of fans has reached 100W +, and one of the videos has 132W likes .

Obviously there are celebrity introductions on the Internet, but there is still so much traffic, this is the charm of video!

The likes of each of his videos are basically more than 10W , and the monthly income of the platform's incentives alone can exceed W.

And the amount of playback on the Douyin platform originally did not count for revenue, but later today Toutiao launched the "Medium Video Plan", which completely opened up the three-party platform of D sound + J Day Toutiao + X melon video, so that the amount of playback from D sound will be reduced. can be realized.

If the above case accounts are calculated based on the average daily playback of 100w, because the number of likes exceeds 10w + the number of playbacks will not be less than 1 million.

The video revenue in J -day headlines is generally 20 yuan per 10,000 views, so the revenue per day is 2,000 yuan.

This only counts one video. Now bloggers publish more than one video a day, sometimes several, and the amount of soul digging. The most conservative income per day is estimated to be no less than 5,000 yuan .

Among Toutiao-based platforms, D -sound has the largest traffic nowadays. Once the video is synchronized to D -sound, it is easy to become popular, and it is very easy for a video to explode with hundreds of watts of playback.

In addition, X Gua Video is also good, with a considerable rural traffic, which is very suitable for videos in the field of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

Some accounts with more than 100,000 fans earn dozens of W a year . It is easy to do every day. What they have to do every day is to wake up and go out to shoot videos.

So how do you make such short videos?

It may seem difficult, but it's actually really easy!

The content of the video mainly includes: related character video, voice text, and introduction copy.

The most important thing is to write a good copy, and then record it with oral broadcasting . There are a lot of video materials on the Internet .

For the editing tool, Douyin has a clipping screen, and there is a function "image and text into a film". As long as the text is copied, it will automatically match and generate a video, which can be completed with one click.

Both sound and background music can be selected. If you don't like the given video content material, you can replace it with the material you found. If you want a more beautiful view , you can get some special effects or add a background board .

It 's that simple, easy to operate , and you don't have to show your face. Combined with some celebrity hotspots, it's very easy to get traffic .

Of course, not only celebrity introductions can be done, but also movie introductions, project introductions, catering production, historical story explanations, etc., choose according to your favorite.

The production process of this kind of video is very simple, zero cost, and it is the easiest way to make money for beginners.

After getting started in the later stage, you must be original, and the revenue will be greater. The production of exquisite videos and rich content will make it easier to explode and play more.

In short , the current trend is video, and text-to-video also makes it easier for many people who write articles to successfully transform and make more profits.

Video is also a form of communication, and its core is copywriting, so writing skills are the foundation. It is enough to learn to write, learn a little more about shooting and editing techniques, and make money from video from the media.

A lot of things, can do it, don't think too much, it will be finished.

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