Medium video plan, historical literature gameplay, 4 steps to help you get it done!


Everyone is really worried about the China Video Project. Many friends are complaining that they have to write copy every day, and they are almost draining themselves.

Today , Brother Zhun will share the secret of pressing the box in the direction of history and literature, and you can directly copy and stick to generate an article that belongs to you.

In fact, this type of track in history can not only be done, but it is also a relatively good track. Although it is small, its data is still very impressive, and the starting speed is relatively fast .

Because it not only allows people to learn about historical events and people we don’t know, but also popularizes some ancient anecdotes, which indirectly satisfies the curiosity of users.

Everyone also knows that Douyin is now becoming entertainment, so this kind of account is not so much a historical account, but it can be regarded as a track in the direction of popular science, and maybe it can also eat a wave of Douyin Galaxy knowledge traffic .

1. Account Type

Searching for the keyword [history] on Douyin, you can see some accounts of popular science and history, as well as accounts with millions of fans, some who explain historical events, some who talk about cold knowledge of history, and those who spread the positive energy of history of.

Although the content released by these accounts is based on history, they are all different in perspective and presentation, and each has its own characteristics.

Therefore , Brother Zhun summarized the types of these historical accounts, and divided them into nine types :

1. Regional History

The 5,000-year civilization of Greater China has its own history in each region . This regional history can not only resonate with local users, but also satisfy the curiosity and curiosity of users in other regions.

2. Topic gossip

The innovation of this type of account is that some historical events or figures are combined with the current modern language to make topic assumptions.

For example: pulling ancient emperors into a group chat, and conducting historical knowledge popularization through dialogues between emperors, not only increases the interest of the content, but also draws the distance between fans, and the interaction effect can become better.

3. Intangible cultural heritage

This type of video belongs to the positive energy videos that promote intangible cultural heritage civilization, such as artisan art , single-handed martial arts, and some intangible cultural heritage crafts, etc. The main audience is users who like oriental aesthetic culture and traditional Chinese culture .

4. Historical Gonzo

Do you know how the emperor bathed ? What did you use to brush your teeth in ancient times? What do you wash your hair with? What was the toilet like in ancient times ?

Through interesting ways to popularize some ancient anecdotes and cold knowledge to everyone, it is lively and interesting without lack of authenticity . In addition to arousing users' curiosity, it can also mobilize users to actively interact in the comment area.

5. Secret History Unofficial History

In fact, there are many secret histories and unofficial histories. Officials do not want public to know or are unsuitable to be known, but they cannot resist the strong curiosity of the public. The more you hide it, the more everyone wants to know.

Therefore, these types of accounts mainly tell some niche and unfamiliar historical stories, which can well arouse the curiosity of users.

6. Precious historical images

This kind of video production is relatively simple, that is, black and white video + commentary. The image in black and white gives people a feeling of a long time ago , which is historical and valuable, and can more emotionally resonate with users.

7. Cold knowledge of popular science history

For example, the peach wood sword in Wudang Mountain, how did it hang up in that situation , and why has no one dared to move it ? Another example is the cold knowledge of Sanxingdui in Sichuan, and the ancients put money in their sleeves. Isn't he afraid of falling out? and so on .

Through these historical cold knowledge , the public's cognition of history is constantly refreshed , and users themselves are also full of curiosity about these unknown things .

8. Spread the positive energy of history

According to a certain historical figure and historical event, some positive energy is extracted from it . The dissemination of this type of positive video content is advocated by the platform . Users can easily pay for it, and the traffic is naturally not bad.

9. Narrate and explain wild history

This is to narrate a certain historical figure or a certain historical event, interspersed with some personal views and understandings , and discuss and interact with users.

The collection of materials

First of all, let's open the website of Full History first . You can see that there is a timeline. By dragging the timeline, you can see historical events from 1 million years ago to the Qing Dynasty. For example, if we move to the Tang Dynasty, each time will be displayed. Major events that occurred in the segment, the operations are as follows:

  1. For example, when we look at Li Yuan, the founding emperor of Tang Dynasty in 618, we click into it

  2. Click to see more from the text

  3. Click on an article to read it, you can see this complete article

  4. At this time, we will directly copy this article, and then copy and paste it through the tool, and a new article can be generated directly. The whole process is very simple.

  5. There is no need to worry about insufficient material, because this website also records historical events in other countries in various periods, including countries in Asia , Europe , North America and other continents.

  6. There is also a space-time map. After we click it, we can see the characters and events of any era just by moving the timeline.

In addition, there are writers, social figures, industry figures, artists, natural scientists, etc. in the column on the left. You can check it out for yourself. These are all materials that can be used for making videos

3. Display form

We have enough material, how do we spread it? There are two forms of presentation in the direction of history and literature :

1. Live-action mirroring

The advantage of real people appearing on the camera is that you don’t have to go everywhere to find the material of the video, and you don’t have to go everywhere to find the video for secondary editing. It can be displayed in the form of oral broadcast .

The easiest way is to first become familiar with historical events or characters, and then express them in your own words, or you can refer to the popular copywriting of the benchmarking account to become your own style.

In the process, you will continue to increase your knowledge.

2. Doing commentary , the advantage is that there is no need for real people to appear on the scene

Remember, the current intelligent commentary is very introverted. Don't just find any such intelligent commentary and use it. That kind of feeling is really bad.

For dubbing , you can try this dubbing from Magic Sound Workshop. There are dubbings for men, women and children. If you change the polyphonic words and pauses , a good dubbing will come out.

Video material , this step is very important. Go directly to the watermelon video to search for the character in the historical story you want to make. As a result, all the film and television dramas and video material about this character will appear in it. If you can use it directly, just record a screen and use it directly. It’s alright, it can’t be used directly, and after reading it, you will know where to download it and what kind of video to download.

Finally , according to the content of the explanation, the video content is put together by clipping , plus a background music, and the duration is controlled between 1 minute and 2 minutes. Such a medium video of a historical theme is ready, and the total operation time is also It doesn't take more than an hour, just keep doing it .

Fourth, the realization method

So how does this type of account get monetized ?

1. Star map advertisement

In the case of the star map , many accounts of the cold knowledge type can directly do that kind of implantation, it is very simple.

2. Window sales

You can open the window function and list products such as history books and bookmarks to earn commissions. The commissions range from 10% to 50%.

The audience of Douyin historical accounts is mostly male users aged 24-40, so electronic and digital products are also more popular with such accounts, followed by clothing, daily necessities, etc.

3. Peripheral customization

This is the realization of IP. What hangs in the window are customized products around you, such as creative three-dimensional design books,

Chinese style tape and mouse pad, etc., you can print your own logo.

4. Private domain

Compared with public domain traffic, private domain traffic is more controllable and efficient, and the back-end monetization is more accurate.


Brother Zhun has shared nine types of benchmarking accounts , historical copywriting materials, and monetization methods , so that everyone no longer has to worry about directions and materials .

At present, there are not many accounts of this type, and the competition pressure is not too great. If you don’t have a good direction, you can choose this kind of account to make videos.

Moreover, Douyin has traffic support for this type of historical content, so the playback and monetization data of this type of account is very impressive, and the account number is also very fast!

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