How does Douyin do it? From 0 to 1 actual combat strategy, 5 steps will make you do more with less!


Many people can't operate Douyin, which is actually caused by not being able to operate, and even some basic content of Douyin's operation is not in place. In such a situation, it is more difficult to do Douyin well.

In order to do a good job of Douyin, in the eyes of Brother Zhun, you must master some Douyin operation skills. This article will share with you how to do Douyin. The basic strategies are here!

1. Positioning

First of all, when newbies do Douyin, they must put aside a misunderstanding, that is, they do Douyin because of how much the video can be played. Instead, we must do it with the goal of realizing it, because our ultimate goal must be realizing it.

It doesn't matter what the so-called video is broken and how many fans you have gained. What matters is how much you have realized, starting from the first few fans.

Therefore, before starting an account, a novice must have a positioning. This positioning is of course determined according to the method of realization ; that is, what kind of account you want to make is determined by your back-end products.

In addition, Zhunge advises everyone, don't believe this and that on Douyin, most of them are unreliable. You can think about it, if this kind of joining can make money, why not pull your relatives and friends to do it? It is also heavily promoted on Douyin.

So remember, the core of making money must be yourself. How did you make money? Douyin is just a portal for you to change traffic.

Second, the starting number

In fact, it is not difficult to start an account with zero fans. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a foundation. You often see a lot of mothers who have never been in contact with Douyin at all, including some uncles and aunts in their 50s. They can all give their accounts to Do it, we young people have no reason to say that we can't do it.

In fact, the core of the starting number is that your works must be vertical enough, and all works should be distributed around your back-end monetization business.

For example, there is a blogger on Douyin who makes bonsai and posts these bonsai he maintains every day. At first, he felt that there were not many people who liked bonsai. That was because he felt that there were people around him who liked bonsai. not much.

But everyone must know that Douyin is oriented to the whole network. The traffic of this whole network is beyond your imagination. As a result, the blogger found a large number of people who like bonsai at once, and the business volume has doubled.

3. Operation

With the account and positioning, the next focus is how to operate this account. Novices need to pay attention to one thing. The first 30 works posted on the account must be vertical enough, the more vertical the better.

For example, in the example given by Brother Zhun just now, the account only posts bonsai-related content, and then the back-end business is bonsai customization, and this customization is a high-end route, and the customization cycle takes about half a year, that is, this bonsai is It is customized according to the customer, and the customer will be able to get the goods after half a year, but its price is very high.

In addition, let me tell you that, in fact, you don’t need a special professional to make this video. For this kind of segmented business, the more realistic your video is, the better, and you can put aside all the routines, so as to enhance users’ trust in you. It is enough to show what it is like in the video.

Fourth, put

The purpose of this step is to vote for DOU+ and quickly tag the account to make the account take off quickly. At present, this is a popular feature on the platform.

Because everyone think about it, the work that you have worked hard to make for a few hours, just send it to Douyin casually, and the initial hundreds of traffic for you are not accurate at all, which may lead to your high-quality work. No one will see it, or in other words, it will not be seen by those who should see it, so your work will go to nothing.

A good work first needs to be verified with big data. You must give it enough exposure before it can run. Moreover, Douyin's DOU+, 100 yuan corresponds to 5,000 plays, which can be said to be a very cost-effective investment so far.

Think about it, can you find this kind of person offline for 100 yuan and let someone send you 5,000 flyers? It's almost impossible, but Douyin can! If your purpose is to make money on Douyin, don’t be stingy with the cost of tagging in the early stage.

5. Realization

In this step, you must create a high-value back-end product. If you are paying for knowledge, then you must provide a high-value course service.

Then some friends will ask, how much is the back-end product suitable for? Then this is determined according to the value you can provide to customers. For example, if you charge 1,000, you must bring 5,000, or even more than 10,000 feedback values ​​to customers, so that others will feel that it is worth the money.

And the higher the value you provide, the higher the trust others have in you. Then at this time, many customers can help you to do word-of-mouth, forming a fission effect.

So don't make a one-shot deal, and you can make more than one product, you can make a series, and split each section.

For example, if you want to teach people to do Douyin, then you can take out a separate section to talk about operations, take out another section to talk about how to write copywriting, and how to edit it is another section, so that you can form a post end system.

Finally, let me summarize the process for you :

The first step must be your business to push back your positioning and what kind of account should you make;

The second step is to create a character design, and the foundation of the account is well done;

The third step is to produce vertical content;

The fourth step is to tag the account through Toudoujia and start the account quickly;

The fifth step is to continuously optimize your backend product.

I am a quasi-brother. The above is all the sharing of Douyin's actual combat strategy. I hope this article can be helpful to everyone!

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