Douyin drifting bottle project, 0 fans matrix gameplay, be sure to collect it!


For the drift bottle, many people's cognition is on WeChat, but this function is no longer available.

Unexpectedly, after a few years of silence, it has made a comeback from the short video platform, and the popularity is still high.

Some people have already made thousands of dollars a day by relying on a mature model. Today, Brother Zhun will disassemble its gameplay for your reference.

This set of gameplay is suitable for any small program promotion on Douyin, and the income is not bad.

Project Introduction

**This drifting bottle is a small program launched by the hot push club, and it is sought after by most people just because it has a good entry point.

First search on Douyin Search: Hottuishe, enter the homepage and search for drifting bottles, you can find this applet.

Then set up men and women in the upper right corner, and everyone has the opportunity to throw the bottle twice a day. In fact, the function is similar to the drift bottle used by WeChat.

I still remember that at the beginning, it was surprising that many people were able to get their girlfriends from the drifting bottle.

After trying to fish for a bottle, you need to watch an advertisement to know the contents of the bottle. From this moment, you know that it should be very profitable.

Because everyone can fish a bottle more than once, and according to its rules, you can fish a bottle by watching an advertisement, so theoretically one person can fish countless times.

I tried to catch two bottles, and watched two advertisements along the way. One is a normal content, but this kind of gameplay is very good, and it can always make you look forward to the content of the next bottle.

The other content is very poetic, but for most people, it is not the kind of content that they are most looking forward to, because what everyone is looking forward to most is the kind of content with WeChat accounts that can shorten the distance between each other.

But close to the topic, we want to make money from this small program.

**## Project monetization logic

How can you rely on it to earn thousands of dollars a day? On Douyin, there is a way of monetization, which is to make money from click-through rates . When playing video, do one more action and get one more profit.

Users can earn about 0.09 to 2.0 per click. This method of monetization is called Douyin mini-program monetization . Without fan requirements, a mobile phone can be monetized.

Then the Drift Bottle Project is monetized through the clicks of the mini program advertisements . After the video of the Drift Bottle is released on Douyin, and then leave the name of the Mini Program and your exclusive password in the comment area, you can attract users to try it out.

Users need to watch an advertisement if they want to play, and the project revenue comes from advertisements. A click is about 0.5-1 yuan, and some are higher.

Because many people have just learned about this thing, and everyone is interested in novel things, so it becomes popular.

Before, someone had a video with millions of likes and earned hundreds of thousands of dollars through a small program. This is purely luck, and most people definitely can't do it. What we can do is that a video can earn more than tens of yuan in revenue. .

Project operation process

1. Register DouTui Cat

( 1 ) WeChat pays attention to the public account of [DouTui Mao];

( 2 ) Enter the platform and click [My] in the lower right corner;

( 3 ) Find [My Douyin Number] on the page and click it;

( 4 ) Get a QR code and save it;

( 5 ) Finally, open Douyin and use Douyin to scan the QR code you just saved to bind.

In this way, you can view the revenue data of the applet in real time, and you can also publish the video to Douyin with one click.

2. Set the password

If you want to promote this applet, you first need to obtain your own promotion password before you can operate it, and you can get the promotion permission for free.

( 1 ) After completing the binding, find [ Hotuishe ] on the homepage, and click on the password to promote;

( 2 ) Set your own password and generate your own exclusive promotion password;

Note: It is recommended that the password is a pure number, which is easy to remember and easy to search;

( 3 ) After the password is set, there is the most critical step, add the drift bottle to the task, don't forget it.

Hottui Club is a collection of all test applets. If you want to promote other applets, you can add more tasks.

3. Video content release

With all the links set up, all that's left is to publish the video. If you want your videos to get high views and high revenue, you need to create novel videos.

According to observations, these two video types are currently the most popular.

(1) Mainly focus on beauties dating videos;

Douyin, Kuaishou, these short video platforms, most of the content is all kinds of beautiful ladies dancing and so on. Indeed, these content are really attractive, and the food is also sexual, human nature is like this, the key is that the traffic is not bad.

(2) Teaching video category;

Fishing for drifting bottles from the player's perspective, the video mainly shows what content is fished, people are curious, and if they want to know what content they have fished, they will take the initiative to pay attention.

How the project can increase revenue

This requires a matrix operation, and the popularity of this kind of matrix play for promoting small programs is relatively low at present.

Many people push small programs, and they slowly give up when they see that the income of a single account is too low. After all, homogenized content will also affect the push flow, so the income is not ideal. Pay attention to.

But there is a group of very low-key people who make good money in this industry, almost every day they earn more than a few thousand dollars.

I believe that as long as you hear the matrix gameplay, the first thing that comes to your mind is the device problem, how can there be so many devices to log in to the account.

In fact, this is the vastness of the Internet. As long as you have needs and the needs are large enough, there will always be someone who can meet your needs, and some people will develop platforms to meet the needs of multi-account operators.

There is a platform called Xiao Huo Huo. People who have been doing short video self-media for a long time know that multiple accounts can be connected with only it. For example, an account can generate 10 yuan of income, then 100 is 1,000 yuan, 200 is 2,000 yuan, and brainless copying is fine.

Although there will be fluctuations, the fluctuations are basically relatively small. As long as the overall process runs smoothly, batch copying is the fastest way to increase revenue.

**## Summarize

The above is the dismantling of the whole gameplay of Douyin Drifting Bottle. In short, this is a very simple and small project. You can do it with Douyin account. There is no technical content, just quantitative operation, and quantitative change can only be qualitative change .

Many people say that it is too difficult to do Douyin. To sell goods, you need to open the window and the threshold of 1,000 fans; to live broadcast, you need talents and looks, and you need to be in the mirror.

Then the Douyin applet is a very good choice compared to ordinary people. It can be done by 0 fans, and it is enough to spend some time editing the video every day.

In addition, Douyin now has 800 million daily active users, and insists on publishing works every day. It is easy to get a few hundred dollars a day!

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