Douyin emotional project dismantling, large traffic track! Even beginners can earn over 10,000 a month!


I believe that many people have brushed more or less emotional accounts on the Douyin platform, and I myself follow a few accounts. Every time I swipe it, I never get tired of seeing it, and the works updated by bloggers have a feature of empathy.

Moreover, the user group of the Douyin platform is also mostly young people, and there is a lot of traffic in this area, so that each emotional work is either tens of thousands of likes or hundreds of thousands of likes.

This kind of emotional account also has many forms of content display, some real people appear on the camera to shoot emotional jokes, and some with pictures and texts, plus a piece of background music, which resonates through copywriting.

Today, Brother Zhun will disassemble the gameplay of this kind of Douyin emotional account with you.

Emotion account project introduction

Nowadays, emotional counseling has become a rigid need in most people's lives. Now people have met their material needs, but with the increasing pressure of work and life, spiritual emptiness and comfort are also becoming more and more serious. Emotional counseling industry is born.

Emotional accounts include a lot of content. We open Douyin search and topic search for "emotion", and there will be many videos and emotional accounts.

We can find that many of them have hundreds of thousands or millions of fans, and the number of topic searches is as high as trillions of times. This is a terrible data, and it also shows that the traffic of such accounts is very huge.

Many people may feel that they can't do this project, and they are not professional psychological consultants, so they definitely can't do it.

But let me tell you this, Brother Zhun, if you look at those high-level psychological counseling bloggers, most of them are actually ordinary people, and maybe some people do not have this psychological counseling certificate at all, and the video is completely read according to the manuscript. .

In the same way, ordinary people can also do this project, as long as they pack themselves a little, and then use their spare time to learn more emotional knowledge, they will be much stronger than those who have not studied.

How to operate and categories

Clicking on these big V users, we can find that the gameplay of emotional accounts is divided into several types, and the display of content is also different. Here is a simple example.

1. Real person appearances;

Most of them are real people, but not all of them are professional emotional consultants. This type of video is mainly displayed by real people appearing on the camera, mainly to create personal IP, and the fan stickiness is high. The material can be found through Baidu, and you can find the emotional vertical website to solve the audio commentary part. You can read it yourself according to this kind of material and shoot it.

2. Graphics and texts;

Novices are more afraid of real people appearing in the early stage, so they can publish videos in the form of pictures and texts to accumulate fans. Now major platforms collect relevant emotional copywriting, then find some beautiful pictures, and finally use the dubbing website to automatically generate a dubbing.

  1. Use spare time to accumulate emotional knowledge in the later stage, buy some simple shooting equipment for simple shooting, and make a real person appearance by yourself, which will greatly increase the sense of trust.

  2. Publish 2~4 videos every day in the early stage, don't be lazy, insist on publishing every day, and win by quantity. There will definitely be a video that goes viral. As long as a video goes viral, the traffic fans will grow a lot. Slowly, you will also become a big V with hundreds of thousands and millions.

conventional monetization method

Emotional accounts nowadays are more popular with young people, as I mentioned earlier. Relatively speaking, it is relatively simple to realize, but the ability to absorb fans is very powerful, and a work can bring huge traffic when it explodes.

1. Hang the goods in the window , according to the market price, or lower than the market price.

There is a blogger who has listed more than 40 products. According to the 10% commission, his monthly income is at least 20,000 yuan. This method is the choice of most people. After all, it is the most direct and fast. Realization method.

2. Provide emotional consultation services and emotional confusion.

Help customers solve emotional problems through paid consultation, which can be charged according to the length of time, both voice and video, and the specific situation is analyzed in detail.

If we do not have professional service skills, we can also cooperate with institutions, and we are responsible for introducing customers.

3. Advanced gameplay

Most of the market ranges from a few thousand yuan, provided that you have a large number of fans as a base. This kind of profiteering is more profitable. There are apprentices or agents, and there are several thousand yuan or more than 10,000 yuan. It depends on the size of your fans and influence, and your professional knowledge is not strong enough.

After the main points of the emotional account are done, it is as simple as that. The project is not important, the important thing is the way of thinking. In other words, if we don't know how to do a project, we can all refer to the practices of our peers.

It can be said that our peers are our best teachers.

This is the end of the sharing of this issue of Brother Zhun. If this article brings you benefits, don't forget to give Brother Zhun a like + watching!

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