Recommend several mainstream Internet games, suitable for novices, easy monthly income over 10,000!


In recent years, the online earning circle has undergone great changes, and the project cycle tends to be shorter. The reason is that the speed of dissemination of the project has accelerated, and the bonus period has passed very quickly. Therefore, many times, you will find that this group of people who start a business is in a cycle of "finding projects first, then doing projects, and then looking for projects".

In fact, what do you earn in the online earning circle? In fact, it is "bad information". At present, major platforms including WeChat have shortened the dissemination time, and the project cycle is very short. Few projects are the current status of the online earning circle. In fact, to put it bluntly, many projects are inseparable from their original roots.

Today, Brother Zhun will share with you the six mainstream categories of gameplay currently in the online earning circle.

Six mainstream ways to make money on the Internet

The first, from the media category;

All platforms represented by the three categories of official accounts, Weibo, and Toutiao can be regarded as self-media categories. The core of self-media is "value output". It would be nice if you continued to export value every day. When your followers reach a certain level, you can start monetizing.

The current mainstream monetization methods are one is paid community, and the other is classroom training.

The second type, e-commerce;

Combined with platforms such as Pinduoduo,, Taobao, etc. to play the store group model without supply, it belongs to the e-commerce category. However, the current Taobao store group can be said to be in a recession. Taobao has more and more restrictions on various aspects. Only by taking a refined route can it continue.

Virtual products and services like training and selling software are fine. Because it is relatively risk-free, it can be done for a long time or expanded.

The third category is knowledge payment;

This may be the future trend. Because people's living standards continue to improve, they are no longer limited to the level of eating, drinking, food, clothing and housing, but are longing for deeper spiritual needs. At this time, paying for knowledge can satisfy your spiritual needs in a short period of time.

Projects like this will go on for a long time in the future! For example, summarize what you have been good at for many years into courses, and sell your courses on Toutiao, Himalaya, Qianchao, Lizhi, Weibo and other paid knowledge platforms through graphics, audio, video, etc. A project of continuing benefits.

Of course, what if you don't have the skills you're good at? That works too. For details, you can ask the prospective brother in private message!

Fourth, webmaster;

Such a project may seem outdated at first glance, but it is not. Doing a website, being a webmaster, basically existed when there was an Internet. It is still active on the Internet to this day.

As long as the Internet exists, in fact, this website project will not disappear. However, it is relatively difficult to maintain good website traffic for a long time. This is what the webmaster should focus on. A website needs traffic. You can advertise, outsource SEO and bidding projects, etc.

Now the category expansion of the website has also increased. For example, some WeChat extended functions (such as WeChat website and mini programs) can actually be classified as websites.

Fifth, sell traffic;

These actually include all of the above items. Because the foundation of the Internet is traffic, and without traffic there is nothing. Models such as Taobao, various alliances, card alliances, and novel distribution all require traffic. Without traffic, you cannot do anything on the Internet.

Learn to attract traffic on the Internet, and you can make money by doing anything. So, most of the site's blogs and forums talk about traffic. They are all teaching drainage, providing drainage tools, etc. It's also popular because traffic is the foundation of the internet, so it's going to be hot all the time.

The sixth kind, smashed wool;

It can be said that it is the project with the lowest threshold in the online earning circle. Because it sees money quickly. The disadvantage is that it will not last for a long time, and there is no sustainable development in the later stage. Often, it is gone after you finish it once.

This project is suitable for beginners and newbies, you can go and make a little money. However, if you really want to make money, work, and start a business systematically on the Internet, Brother Zhun does not recommend that you do such projects on a large scale for a long time, but you can do it as a novice.

You can try it, feel the feeling of making money on the Internet, practice your hands, and use it to improve your confidence is a good choice.

The above is all the content I have shared today. I'm a quasi-brother. If you feel that you have gained something, please pay attention to it a little bit, let the lower right corner light up, and don't get lost on the road of making money from the media.

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